Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bhagavadgita The Song Divine Chapter 2 (stanza 1-12)

Sanjaya said: Sri Krishna then addressed the following words to Arjun, who was, as mentioned before, overwhelmed with pity, whose eyes were filled with tears and agitated, and who was full of sorrow. ……………….. (1)
Sri Krishna said: Arjun, how has this infatuation overtaken you at this odd hour? It is shunned by noble souls; neither will it bring heaven, nor fame to you. ………………. (2)
Yield not to unmanliness, Arjun; this does heartedness stand-up. O scorcher of enemies. ……………. (3)
Arjun said: How Krishna, shall I fight Bhisma and Dorna with arrows on the battlefield? They are worthy of deepest reverence, O destroyer of foes. ……………. (4)
It is better to live on alms in this world by not slaying these noble elders, because even after killing them we shall after all enjoy only bloodstained pleasures in the form of wealth and sense-enjoyments. …………… (5)
We do not even know which is preferable for us - to fight or not to fight; nor do we know whether we shall win or whether they will conquer us. Those very sons of Dhrtarastra, killing whom we do not even with to live, stand in the enemy ranks. …… (6)
With my very being smitten by the vice of faint-heartedness and my mind puzzled with regard to duty, I beseech you! Tell me that which is decidedly good: I am your disciple. Pray, instruct me, who have taken refuge in You. ………………. (7)
For, even on obtaining undisputed sovereignty and an affluent kingdom on this earth and lordship over the gods, I do not see any means that can drive away the grief which is drying up my senses. ……………… (8)
Sanjaya said: O King, having thus spoken to Sri Krishna, Arjun again said to Him. "I will not fight." and became silent …………….. (9)
Then, O Dhrtarastra, Sri Krishna as if smiling, addressed the following words to Arjun, sorrowing in the midst of the two armies. ……….. (10)
Sri Bhagavan said: Arjun, you grieve over those who should not be grieved for and yet speak like the learned; wise men do not sorrow over the dead or the living. …….(11)

In fact, there was never a time when I was not or when you or these kings were not. Nor is it a fact that hereafter we shall all cease to be. ………. (12)

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