Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 16 (stanza 1-10)

Absolute fearlessness, perfect purity of mind, constant fixity in the Yoga of meditation for the sake of Self-realization, and even so, charity in its Sattvika form, control of the senses, worship of God and other deities as well as of one's elders including the performance of Agnihotra (pouring oblations into the sacred fire) and other sacred duties, study and teaching of the Vedas and other sacred books as well as the chanting of God's name and glories, suffering hardships for the discharge of one's sacred obligations and uprightness of mind as well as of the body and senses. ………….. (1)
Non-violence in thought, word and deed, truthfulness and geniality of speech, absence of anger even on provocation, disclaiming doer-ship in respect of actions, quietude or composure of mind, abstaining from slander, compassion towards all creature, absence of attachment to the objects of senses even during their contact with the senses, mildness, a sense of shame in transgressing the scriptures or social conventions, and abstaining from frivolous pursuits: …………. (2)
Sublimity, forgiveness, fortitude, external purity, bearing enmity to none and absence of self-esteem - those are, O Arjun, the marks of him, who is born with the divine endowments. ……….. (3)
Hypocrisy, arrogance, pride and anger, sternness and ignorance too - these are the marks of him, who is born with demoniac properties. ………………….. (4)
The divine endowment has been recognized as conducive to liberation, and the demoniac one you are born with the divine propensities. …………….. (5)
There are only two types of men in this world, Arjun, the one possessing a divine nature and the other possessing a demoniac disposition. Of these, the type possessing divine nature has been dealt with at length; now hear in detail from Me about the type possessing demoniac disposition. ………………….. (6)
Men possessing a demoniac disposition know not what right activity is and what right abstinence from activity is. Hence they possess neither purity (external or internal) nor good conduct nor even truthfulness. ……………… (7)
Men of demoniac disposition say this world is without any foundation, absolutely unreal and Godless, brought forth by mutual union of the male and female and hence conceived in lust; what else than this? ………………. (8)
Clinging to this false view these slow-witted men of vile disposition and terrible deeds, are enemies of mankind, bent on destruction of the world. …………… (9)

Cherishing insatiable desires and embracing false doctrines through ignorance, these men of impure conduct move in this world, full of hypocrisy, pride and arrogance. …………. (10)

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