Friday, April 3, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 3 (stanza 1-12)

Arjun said; Krishna, if You consider Knowledge as superior to Action, why then do You urge me to this dreadful action, Kesava! ……………….. (1)
You are, as it were, puzzling my mind by these seemingly conflicting expressions; therefore, tell me the one definite discipline by which I may obtain the highest good. ---------- (2)
Sri Krishna said: Arjun, in this world two courses of Sadhana (spiritual discipline) have been enunciated by me in the past. In the case of the Sankhyayogi, the Sadhana proceeds along the path of knowledge; whereas in the case of the Karmayogi, it proceeds along the path of Action. ……. (3)
Man does not attain freedom from action (culmination of the discipline of Action) without entering upon action; nor does he reach perfection (culmination of the discipline of knowledge merely by ceasing to act. ……….. (4)
Surely, none can ever remain inactive even for a moment; form everyone is helplessly driven to action by modes of Prakrti (nature born qualities).  ……… (5)
he who outwardly restraining the organs of sense and action, sits mentally dwelling on the objects of senses, that man of deluded intellect is called a hypocrite. …………… (7)
Therefore, do you perform your allotted duty; for action is superior to inaction? Desisting from action, you cannot even maintain your body. …. (8)
Man is bound by his own action except when it is performed for the sake of sacrifice. Therefore, Arjun, do you efficiently perform your duty, free from attachment, for the sake of sacrifice alone. ……… (9)
Having created mankind along with Yajna, at the beginning of creation, the creator, Brahma, said to them. You shall prosper by this; may this yield the enjoyments you seek. ….. (10)
Foster the Gods through this sacrifice, and let the Gods foster you. Thus, each fostering the other selflessly, you will attain the highest good. ……… (11)

Fostered by sacrifice, the Gods will surely bestow on you unasked all the desired enjoyments. he who enjoys the gifts bestowed by them without offering their share to them, is undoubtedly a thief. …………… (12)

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