Thus, in the Arjun said: Krishna, you
extol Sankhya Yoga (the Yoga of Knowledge) and then the Yoga of Action. Pray,
tell me which of the two is decidedly conductive to my good. …. (1)
Sri Krishna said: The Yoga of Knowledge
and the Yoga of Action both lead to Supreme Bliss. Of the two, however, the
Yoga of Action, being easier of practice, is superior to the Yoga of knowledge.
…………….. (2)
The Karma Yogi who neither hates nor
desires should ever be considered as an ever renunciant. For, Arjun, he who is
free from the pairs of opposites is easily liberated from bondage. …… (3)
It is the ignorant, not the wise, who
say that Sankhya Yoga and Karma Yoga lead to divergent results. For, one who is
firmly established in either, gets the fruit of both which is the same, viz.,
God-realization? ………… (4)
The (Supreme) state which is reached by
the Sankhya Yogi is attained also by the Karma Yogi. Therefore, he alone who
sees Sankhya Yoga and Karma Yoga as identical so far as their result goes sees
truly. ………… (5)
Without Karma Yoga, however, Sankhya
Yoga i.e., renunciation of doer-ship in relation to all activities of the mind,
senses and body is difficult to accomplish; whereas the Karma Yogi, who keeps
his mind fixed on God, reaches Brahma in no time, Arjun. ………… (6)
The Karma Yogi, who has fully conquered
his mind and mastered his senses, whose heart is pure, and who had identified
himself with the Self of all beings (viz., God), remains untainted, even though
performing action. ………….. (7)
However, the Sankhya Yogi, who knows the
reality of things, must believe that he does nothing, even though seeing,
hearing, touching, smelling, eating or drinking walking, sleeping, breathing,
speaking, answering the calls of nature, grasping, and opening or closing the
eyes, holding that it is the senses alone that are moving among their objects.
………. (8-9)
he who acts offering all actions to God,
and shaking off attachment, remains untouched by sin, as the lotus leaf by
water. ………….. (10)
The Karma Yogis perform action only with
their senses, mind, intellect and body as well, without the feeling of mine in
respect of them and shaking off attachment, simply for the sake of
self-purification. ……………. (11)
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