Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 18 (stanza 12-23)

Agreeable, disagreeable and mixed - threefold, indeed, is the fruit that accrues after death from the actions of the un-renouncing. But there is none whatsoever for those who have renounced. …………. (12)
In the branch of learning known as Sankhya, which prescribes means for neutralizing all actions, the five factors have been mentioned as contributory to the accomplishment of all actions; know them all from Me, Arjun.  …………….. (13)
The following are the factors operating towards the accomplishment of actions, viz., the body and the doer, the organs of different kinds and the different functions of manifold kinds; and the fifth is Daiva, latencies of past actions.  ……………….. (14)
These five are the contributory causes of whatever actions, prescribed or prohibited, man performs with the mind, speech and body. ……………. (15)
Notwithstanding this, however, he who, having an impure mind, regards the absolute, taintless Self alone as the doer, that man of perverse understanding does not view aright. …………… (16)
He whose mind is free from the sense of doer-ship, and whose reason is not affected by worldly objects and activities, does not really kill, even having killed all these people, nor does any sin accrues to him. ……………. (17)
The knower, knowledge and the object of knowledge - these three motivate action. Even so, the doer, the organs and activity - these are the three constituents of action. …….. (18)
In the branch of knowledge dealing with the Gunas or modes of Prakrti, knowledge and action as well as the doer have been declared to be of three kinds according to the Guna which predominates in each; hear them too duly from Me.  …….. (19)
That by which man perceives one imperishable divine existence as undivided and equally present in all individual beings, know that knowledge to be Sattvika. ……. (20)
The knowledge by which man cognizes many existences of various kinds, as apart from one another, in all beings, know that knowledge to be Rajasika. ………… (21)
Again, that knowledge which clings to one body as if it were the whole, and which is irrational, has no real grasp of truth and is trivial has been declared as Tamasika.  (22)

That action which is obtained by the scriptures and is not accompanied by the sense of doer-ship, and has been done without any attachment or aversion by one who seeks no return, is called Sattvika. …………. (23)

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