Monday, April 20, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 11 (stanza 24-35)

Lord, seeing Your Form reaching the heavens, effulgent multi-colored, having its mouth wide open and possessing large flaming eyes, I, with my inmost self frightened, have lost self-control and find no peace. …………. (24)
seeing Your faced frightful on account of teeth therein and blazing like the fire at the time of universal destruction, I am utterly bewildered and find no happiness; therefore, have mercy on me, O Lord of celestials! O Abode of the universe! ………………. (25)
All those sons of Dhrtarastra with hosts of kings are entering You. Bhisma, Drona and yonder Karna, with the principal warriors on our side as well, are rushing headlong into Your fearful mouths looking all the more terrible on account of he teeth; some are seen stuck up in the gaps between Your teeth with their heads crushed. …….. (26-27)
As the myriad streams of rivers rush towards the sea alone, so do those warriors of the mortal world enter Your flaming mouths. ………. (28)
As moths rush with great speed into the blazing fire for extinction out of 'Moha', even so, all these people are with great rapidity entering Your mouths to meet their doom. …. (29)
Devouring all the worlds through Your flaming mouths and licking them on all sides, O Lord, Vishnu! Your fiery rays fill the whole universe with their fierce radiance and are scorching it. …………. (30)
Tell me, who You are with a form so terrible? My obeisance to You, O best of gods; be kind to me. I wish to know You, the Primal Being, in particular; for I know not what you intend to do.  ………… (31)
Sri Bhagavan said: I am mighty Kala (the eternal Time-spirit), the destroyer of the worlds, I am out to exterminate these people. Even without you all those warriors, arrayed in the enemy's came, shall die. ………….. (32)
Therefore, do you arise and win glory; conquering foes, enjoy the affluent kingdom. These warriors stand already slain by Me; be you only an instrument, Arjun. ……………… (33)
Do kill Drona an dBhisma and Jayadratha and Karna and other brave warriors, who already stand killed by Me; fear not. Fight and you will surely conquer the enemies in the war. … (34)
Sanjaya said: Hearing these words of Bhagavan Kesava, Arjun tremblingly bowed to Him with joined palms, and bowing again in extreme terror spoke to Sri Krishna in faltering accents ………… (35)
The Song Divine
Chapter 11 (stanza 36-44)
Arjun said: Lord, well it is, the universe exults and is filled with love by chanting Your names, virtues and glory; terrified Raksasas are fleeing in all directions, and all the hosts of Siddhas are bowing to You.  …………. (36)
O Great soul, why should they not bow to you, who are the progenitor of Brahma himself and the greatest of the great? O infinite, O Lord of celestials, O Abode of the universe, You are that which is existent (Sat), that which is non-existent (Asat) and also that which is beyond both, viz, the indestructible Brahma. ………………… (37)
You are the primal Deity, the most ancient person; You are the ultimate resort of this universe. You are both the knower and the knowable, and the highest abode. It is You who pervade the universe, O one assuming endless forms. …………. (38)
You are Vaya (the wind-god), Yama (the god of death), Agni (the god of fire), Varuna (the god of water), the moon-god, Brahma (the Lord of creation), nay, the father of Brahma himself. Hail, hail to You a thousand times; salutations, repeated salutations to you once again. …………. (39)
O Lord of infinite prowess, my salutations to You from the front and from behind, O soul of all, my obeisance to You from all sides indeed. You, who possess infinite might, pervade all; therefore, You are all. …………….  (40)
The way in which I have importunately called You, either through intimacy or thoughtlessly, "Ho Krishna! Ho Yadava! Ho Comrade! And so on, unaware of the greatness of Yours, and thinking you only to be a friend, and the way in which O Acyuta! The Infallible! You have been slighted by me in jest, while at play, reposing, sitting or at meals, either alone or even in the presence of others - for all that, O Immeasurable Lord, I crave forgiveness from You. ………. (41-42)
You are the Father of this moving and unmoving creation, nay, the greatest teacher worthy of adoration, O Lord of incomparable might, in all the three worlds there is none else even equal to You; how, then can anyone be greater than You? …………………. (43)
Therefore, Lord prostrating my body at Your feet and bowing low I seek to propitiate You, the ruler of all and worthy of all praise. It behooves You to bear with me even as a father bears with his son, a friend with his friend and a husband with his beloved spouse. ….. (44)

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