Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bhagavadgita The Song Divine Chapter 1 (stanza 1-15)

Dhrtarastra said "Sanjaya, gathered on the holy land of Kuruksetra, eager to fight, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do? ……… (1)
Sanjaya said: at that time, seeing the army of the Pandavas drawn up for battle and approaching Sornacharya. Kind Duryodhana spoke the following ……. (2)
Behold, O Revered Master, the mighty army of the sons of Pandu arrayed for battle by your talented pupil, Dhrstadyumna, son of Dropads. …….. (3)
There are in this army, heroes wielding mighty bows and equal in military prowess to Bhima and Arjun - Satyaki and Virata and the Maharathi (warrior chcief) Drupada: Dhrstaketu, Cekitana and the valiant kind of Kasi, and Purujit, Kuntibhoja and Saibya, the best of men, and mighty Yudhamanyu, and valiant Uttamaujs. Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra and the five sons of Draupadi - all of them Maharathis (warrior chief). …… (4-6)
O best of Brahmanas, know them also who are the principal warriors on our side - the generals of my army. For your information I mention them.  …………………(7)
Yourself and Bhisma and Karna and Krpa, who is ever victorious in battle; and even so Asvatthama. Vikrana and Bhurisrava (the son of Somadatta) ……… (8)
And there are many other heroes, all skilled in warfare equipped with various weaponos and missiles, who have staked their lives for me. ……. (9)
This army of ours, fully protected by Bhisma, is unconquerable; while that army of theirs, guarded in everyway by Bhima is easy to conquer. ………….. (10)
Therefore, stationed in your respective positions on all fornts, do you all guard Bhisma in particular on all sides? ……………….(11)
The grand old man of the Kaurava race, their glorious grand-patriarch Bhisma, cheering up Duryodhana, roared terribly like a lion and blew his conch. ………….(12)
Then conches, kettledrums, tabors, drums and trumpets blared forth all at once all the noise. ………. (13)
Then, seated in a glorious chariot drawn by white horses, Sri Krishna as well as Arjuna blew their celestial conches. ………………… (14)

Sri Krishna blew His conch named Pancajanya: Arjuna, Devadatta; while Bhima of ferocious deeds blew his mighty conch Paundra. ……………….. (15)

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