Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bhagavadgita The Song Divine Chapter 2 (stanza 49-59)

Action with a selfish motive is far inferior to this Yoga in the form of equanimity. Do seek refuge in this equipoise of mind. Arjun; for poor and wretched are those who are the cause in making their actions bear fruit. ………. (49)
Endowed with equanimity, one sheds in this life both good and evil. Therefore, strive for the practice of this Yoga of equanimity. Skill in action lies in the practice of this Yoga. ….. (50)
For, wise men possessing equipoise mind renouncing the fruit of actions and freed from the shackles of birth, attain the blissful supreme state. ……………… (51)
When your mind will have fully crossed the mire of delusion, you will then grow indifferent to the enjoyments of this world and the next that have been heard of as well as to those that are yet to be heard of. ……. (52)
When your intellect confused by hearing conflicting statements, will rest steady and undistracted (in meditation) on God, you will then attain Yoga (everlasting union with God). …………. (53)
Arjun said: Krishna, what are the characteristics of a God-realized soul, stable of mind and established in Samadhi (perfect tranquility of mind)? How does the man of stable mind speak, how does he sit, how does he walk? …….. (54)
Sri Bhagavan said: Arjun, when one thoroughly casts off all cravings of the mind, and is satisfied in the Self through the joy of the Self, he is then called stable of mind. ………. (55)
The sage, whose mind remains unperturbed amid sorrows, whose thirst for pleasures has altogether disappeared, and who is free from passion, fear and anger, is called stable of mind. ……. (56)
He who is unattached to everything and meeting with good and evil, neither rejoices nor recoils, has mind is stable.  …………. (57)
When like a tortoise, that draws in its limbs from all directions, he withdraws all his senses from the sense-objects, his mind becomes steady. ……. (58)

Sense-objects turn away from him, who does not enjoy them with his senses; but the taste for them persists. This relish also disappears in the case of the man of stable mind when he realizes the Supreme. …….. (59)

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