Monday, April 20, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 11 (stanza 36-44)

Arjun said: Lord, well it is, the universe exults and is filled with love by chanting Your names, virtues and glory; terrified Raksasas are fleeing in all directions, and all the hosts of Siddhas are bowing to You.  …………. (36)
O Great soul, why should they not bow to you, who are the progenitor of Brahma himself and the greatest of the great? O infinite, O Lord of celestials, O Abode of the universe, You are that which is existent (Sat), that which is non-existent (Asat) and also that which is beyond both, viz, the indestructible Brahma. ………………… (37)
You are the primal Deity, the most ancient person; You are the ultimate resort of this universe. You are both the knower and the knowable, and the highest abode. It is You who pervade the universe, O one assuming endless forms. …………. (38)
You are Vaya (the wind-god), Yama (the god of death), Agni (the god of fire), Varuna (the god of water), the moon-god, Brahma (the Lord of creation), nay, the father of Brahma himself. Hail, hail to You a thousand times; salutations, repeated salutations to you once again. …………. (39)
O Lord of infinite prowess, my salutations to You from the front and from behind, O soul of all, my obeisance to You from all sides indeed. You, who possess infinite might, pervade all; therefore, You are all. …………….  (40)
The way in which I have importunately called You, either through intimacy or thoughtlessly, "Ho Krishna! Ho Yadava! Ho Comrade! And so on, unaware of the greatness of Yours, and thinking you only to be a friend, and the way in which O Acyuta! The Infallible! You have been slighted by me in jest, while at play, reposing, sitting or at meals, either alone or even in the presence of others - for all that, O Immeasurable Lord, I crave forgiveness from You. ………. (41-42)
You are the Father of this moving and unmoving creation, nay, the greatest teacher worthy of adoration, O Lord of incomparable might, in all the three worlds there is none else even equal to You; how, then can anyone be greater than You? …………………. (43)
Therefore, Lord prostrating my body at Your feet and bowing low I seek to propitiate You, the ruler of all and worthy of all praise. It behooves You to bear with me even as a father bears with his son, a friend with his friend and a husband with his beloved spouse. ….. (44)

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