Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 10 (stanza 1-13)

Sri Bhagavan said: Arjun, hear once again My supreme word, which I shall speak to you, who are so loving, out of solicitude for your welfare. ……………………….. (1)
Neither gods nor the great sages know the secret of My birth (i.e., My manifestation in human or other forms out of mere sport); I am the prime cause in all respects of gods as well as of the great seers. ……………. (2)
He who knows Me in reality as birth less and without beginning, and as the supreme Lord of the Universe, he, undiluted among men, is purged of all sins. ……………… (3)
Reason, right knowledge, unclouded understanding, forbearance, veracity, control over the senses and mind, joy and sorrow, evolution and dissolution, fear and fearlessness, non-violence, and obloquy - these diverse traits of creatures emanate from Me alone. …….. (4-5)
The seven great seers, their four elders (Sanaka and others), and the fourteen Manus or progenitors of mankind (such as Svayambhuva and his successors), who  were all devoted to me; were born of My will; from them all these creatures in the world have descended. ..(6)
He who knows in reality this supreme divine glory and supernatural power of Mine, gets established in Me through unfaltering devotion; of this there is no doubt. ……. (7)
I am the source of all creation and everything in the world moves because of Me; knowing thus, the wise, full of devotion, constantly worship Me. ………………. (8)
With their minds fixed on me, and their lives surrendered to me, conversing and enlightening one another about My glories, My devotees ever remain contented and take delight in Me. ………… (9)
On those ever united through meditation with me and worshipping Me with love, I confer that Yoga of a wisdom by which they come to me. ………….. (10)
In order to bestow My compassion on them, I, dwelling in their hearts, dispel their darkness born of ignorance by the illuminating lamp of knowledge. …………. (11)
Arjun said: You are the transcendent Eternal, the supreme Abode and the greatest purifier; all the seers speak of You as the eternal divine Purusa, the primal Deity, unborn and all-pervading. Likewise speak the celestial sage Narada, the sages Asita and Devala and the great sage Vyasa; and yourself too proclaim this to Me. ……. (12-13)

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