Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 18 (stanza 1-11)

Arjun said: O mighty armed Sri Krishna, O inner controller of all, O Slayer of Kesi; I wish to know severally the truth of Samnyasa as also of Tyaga. …………. (1)
Sri Bhagavan said: Some sages understand Samnyasa as the giving up of all actions motivated by desire; and the wise declare that Tyaga consists in relinquishing the fruit of all actions. ……………….. (2)
Some wise men declare that all actions contain a measure of evil, and are therefore, worth giving up; while others say that acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not to be shunned. ………….. (3)
Of Samnyasa the Tyaga, first hear My conclusion on the subject of renunciation (Tyaga), Arjun; for renunciation, O tiger among men, has been declared to be of three kinds - Sattvika, Rajasika and Tamasika. ……………. (4)
Acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not worth giving up; they must be performed. For sacrifice, charity and penance - all these are purifiers to the wise men.  ………….. (5)
Hence these acts of sacrifice, charity and penance, and all other acts of duty too, must be performed without attachment and expectation of reward; this is My well-considered and supreme verdict, Arjun. …………………. (6)
(Prohibited acts and those that are motivated by desire should, no doubt, be given up). But it is not advisable to abandon a prescribed duty. Such abandonment out of ignorance has been declared as Tamasika. ………….. (7)
Should anyone give up his duties for fear of physical strain, thinking that all actions are verily painful - practicing such Rajasika form of renunciation, he does not reap the fruit of renunciation. ………… (8)
A prescribed duty which is performed simply because it has to be performed, giving up attachment and fruit that alone has been recognized as the Sattvika form of renunciation. ………… (9)
He who has neither aversion for action which is leading to bondage nor attachment to that which is conducive to blessedness imbued with the quality of goodness, he has all his doubts resolved, is intelligent and a man of true renunciation. …………… (10)

Since all actions cannot be given up in their entirety by anyone possessing a body, he alone who renounces the fruit of actions is called a man of renunciation.  ……… (11)

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