Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bhagavadgita The Song Divine Chapter 2 (stanza 60-72)

Turbulent by nature, the senses (not free from attachment) even of a wise man, who is practicing self-control, forcibly carry away his mind, Arjun. ………… (60)
Therefore, having controlled all the senses and concentrating his mind, he should sit for meditation, devoting himself heart and soul to Me. For, he whose senses are under his control, is known to have a stable mind. ……….. (61)
The man dwelling on sense-objects develops attachment for them; from attachment springs up desire, and from desire (unfulfilled) ensues anger. …… (62)
From anger arises delusion; from delusion, confusion of memory; from confusion of memory, loss of reason; and from loss of reason one goes to complete ruin.
But the self-controlled Sadhaka, while enjoying the various sense-objects through his senses, which are disciplined and free from likes and dislikes, attains placidity of mind. ………… (64)
With the attainment of such placidity of mind, all his sorrows come to an end; and the intellect of such a person of tranquil mind soon withdrawing itself from all sides, becomes firmly established in God. ….. (65)
He who has not controlled his mind and senses, can have no determinate intellect, nor contemplation. Without contemplation, he can have no peace; and how can there be happiness for one lacking peace of mind?  ………. (66)
As the wind carries away a boat upon the water, even so, of the senses moving among sense-objects, the one to which the mind is attached, takes away his discrimination. ... (67)
Therefore, Arjun, he whose senses are completely restrained from their objects, is said to have a stable mind. ………… (68)
That which is night to all beings, in that state of Divine knowledge and Supreme Bliss the God realized Yogi keeps awake, and that (the ever-changing, transient worldly happiness) in which all beings keep awake, is night to the seer. ………… (69)
As the water of different rivers enter the ocean, which though full on all sides, remains undisturbed; likewise, he in whom all enjoyments merge themselves without causing disturbance attains peace; not he who hankers after such enjoyments. …..  (70)
he who has given up all desires, and moves free from attachment, egoism and thirst for enjoyment attains peace. ……. (71)
Arjun, such is the state of the God-realized soul; having reached this state, he overcomes delusion. And established in this state, even at the last moment, he attains Brahmic Bliss.

Thus, in the Upanishad sung by the Lord, the Science of Brahma, the scripture of yoga the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjun, ends the second chapter entitled "Sankhayoga (the Yoga of Knowledge).

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