Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bhagavadgita The Song Divine Chapter 2 (stanza 25-36)

This soul is un-manifest; it is incomprehensible and it is spoken of as immutable. Therefore, knowing it as such, you should not grieve. ……… (25)
And Arjun, if you should suppose this soul to be subject to constant birth and death, even then you should not grieve like this. …….. (26)
For, in that case death is certain for the born, and rebirth is inevitable for the dead. You should not, therefore, grieve over the inevitable. …… (27)
Arjun, before birth beings are not manifest to our human senses; on death they return to the un-manifest again. They are manifest only in the interim between birth and death. What occasion, then, for lamentation?  ………. (28)
Hardly any great soul perceives this soul as marvelous, scarce another great soul likewise speaks thereof as marvelous, and scarce another worthy one hears of it as marvelous, while there are some who know it not even on hearing of it.  ……. (29)
Arjun, this soul dwelling in the bodies of all, can never be slain, therefore, you should not mourn for anyone. …………….. (30)
Besides, considering your own duty too, you should not waver, for there is nothing more welcome for a man of the warrior class than a righteous war. …….. (31)
Arjuna, fortunate are the Ksatriyas who get such an unsolicited opportunity for war, which is an open gateway to heaven. …… (32)
Now, if you refuse to fight this righteous war, then, shirking your duty and losing your reputation, you will incur sin. ……. (33)
Nay, people will also pour undying infamy on you; and infamy brought on a man enjoying popular esteem is worse than death. ……… (34)
And the warrior-chiefs, who thought highly of you, will now despise you, thinking that it was fear which drove you away from battle. ….. (35)

And your enemies, disparaging your might, will speak many unbecoming words, what can be more distressing than this?  ……………. (36)

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