Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 14 (stanza 15-27)

Dying when Rajas predominates, he is born among those attached to action; even so, the man who has expired during the preponderance of Tamas is reborn in the species of the deluded creatures such as insects and beasts etc. ……………. (15)
The reward of a righteous act, they say, is Sattvika i.e., faultless sin the form of joy, wisdom and dispassion etc., sorrow is declared to be the fruit of a Rajasika act and ignorance, the fruit of a Tamasika act. …………… (16)
Wisdom follows from Sattva, and greed undoubtedly, from Rajas, likewise, obstinate error, stupor and also ignorance follow from Tamas. …………………. (17)
Those who abide in the quality of Sattva wend their way upwards; while those of a Rajasika disposition stay in the middle. And those of a Tamasika temperament, enveloped as they are in the effects of Tamoguna, sink down. ……….. (18)
When the discerning person sees no one as doer other than the three Gunas, and realizes me, the supreme Spirit standing entirely beyond these Gunas, he enters into My being. (19)
Having transcended the aforesaid three Gunas, which have caused the body, and freed from birth, death, old age and all kinds of sorrow, the embodied soul attains supreme bliss. .. (20)
Arjun said: What are the marks of him who has risen above the three Gunas, and what is his conduct? And how, Lord, does he rise above the three Gunas? …….. (21)
Sri Bhagavan said: Arjun, he who abhors not illumination (which is born of Sattva) and activity (which is born from Rajas) and even stupor (which is born of Tamas), when prevalent, nor longs for them when they have ceased. ……….. (22)
he who, sitting like a witness, is not disturbed by the Gunas, and who, knowing that the Gunas alone move among the Gunas, remains established in identity with God, and  never falls off from that state. ……….. (23)
He, who is ever established in the Self, takes pain and pleasure alike, regards a cloud of earth, a stone and a piece of gold as equal in value, is possessed of wisdom, accepts the pleasant as well as the unpleasant in the same spirit, and views censure and praise alike.  ………….(24)
He who is equipoise in honor or ignominy, is alike towards a friend or an enemy, and has renounced the sense of doer-ship in all undertakings, is said to have risen above the three Gunas. …. (25)
he too who, constantly worships Me through the Yoga of exclusive devotion - transcending these three Gunas, he becomes eligible for attaining Brahma. …… (26)
Form I am the substratum of the imperishable Brahma, of immortality, of the eternal Dharma and of unending immutable bliss. …………… (27)

Thus, in the Upanishad sung by the Lord, the Science of Brahma, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjun, ends the fourteenth chapter entitled "The Yoga of Division of Three Gunas."

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