Friday, April 3, 2015

Bhagavadgita The Song Divine Chapter 3 (stanza 25-36)

Arjun, as the unwise act with attachment, so should the wise man, with a view to maintain the world order, acts without attachment. …………… (25)
A wise man established in the self should not unsettle the mind of the ignorant attached to action, but should get them to perform all their duties, duly performing his own duties.  (26)
In fact all actions are being performed by the modes of Prakrti (primordial Nature). The fool, whose mind is deluded by egoism, thinks; "I am the doer". …….. (27)
However, he who has true insight into the respective spheres of Gunas (modes of Prakrti) and their actions, holding that it is the Gunas (in the form of the senses, mind etc.) that move among the Gunas (Objects of perception), does not get attached to them, Arjun. ….. (28)
Those who are completely deluded by the Gunas (modes) of Prakrti remain attached to those Gunas and actions;; the man of perfect knowledge should not unsettle the mind of those ignorant of  imperfect knowledge. ……………. (29)
Therefore, dedicating all actions to Me with your mind fixed on Me, the Self of all, freed from desire and the feeling of mecum and cured of mental agitation, fight. …………. (30)
Even those men who, with an uncavilling and devout mind, always follow this teaching of Mine, are released from the bondage of all actions. …………. (31)
But they, however, who, finding fault with this teaching of Mine, do not follow it, take those fools to be deluded in the matter of all knowledge as lost.    …………….. (32)
All living creatures follow their tendencies, even the wise man acts according to the tendencies of his own nature. Of what use is restraint by force. ….(33)
Attraction and repulsion are rooted in all sense-objects. Man should never allow himself to be swayed by them, because they are the two principal enemies standing in the way of his redemption.  ……. (34)
One's own duty, though devoid of merit is preferable in the performance of one's own duty brings blessedness; another's duty is fraught with fear. …….. (35)

Arjun said: Now impelled by what Krishna, does this man commit sin even involuntarily, as though driven by force?  ………… (36)

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