Monday, April 6, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 6 (stanza 24-35)

Completely renouncing all desires arising from Sankalpas (thoughts of the world), and fully restraining all the senses from all sides by the mind. ………. (24)
He should through gradual practice, attain tranquility; and fixing the mind on God through reason controlled by steadfastness, he should not think of anything else. …..  (25)
Drawing back the restless and fidgety mind from all those objects after which it runs, he should repeatedly fix it on God. ………….. (26)
For, to the Yogi whose mind is perfectly serene, who is sinless, whose passion is subdued, and who is identified with Brahma, the embodiment of Truth, Knowledge and Bliss, supreme happiness comes as a matter of course. ………. (27)
The sinless Yogi, thus uniting his Self constantly with God, easily enjoys the eternal Bliss of oneness with Brahma. ……… (28)
The Yogi who is united in identity with the all-pervading, infinite consciousness, whose vision everywhere is even, beholds the Self existing in all beings and all beings as assumed in the Self. ……… (29)
he who seed Me (the Universal Self) present in all beings, and all beings existing within Me, he is never out of My sight, nor am I ever out of his sight. ….. (30)
The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships Me as residing in all beings as their very Self, whatever activities he performs, he performs them in Me. …… (31)
Arjun, he who looks on all as one, on the analogy of his own Self, and looks upon the joy and sorrow of all equally such a Yogi is deemed to be eh highest of all. …………. (32)
Arjun said: Krishna, owing to restlessness of mind I do not perceive the stability of this Yoga in the form of equanimity, which you have just spoken of. …………… (33)
For, Krishna, the mind is very unsteady, turbulent, tenacious and powerful; therefore, I consider it as difficult to control as the wind. ……………. (34)

Sri Bhagavan said: The mind is restless no doubt, and difficult to curb, Arjun; but it can be brought under control by repeated practice (of meditation) and by the exercise of dispassion, O son of Kunti.  ……………… (35)

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