Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 18 (stanza 63.78)

The Song Divine
Chapter 18 (stanza 63.78)
Thus, has this wisdom, the most profound secret of all secret knowledge, been imparted to you by Me; deeply pondering over it, now do as you like.  …………… (63)
Hear, again, My supremely profound words, the most esoteric of all truths; as you are extremely dear to me, therefore, I shall give you this salutary advice for your own good. (64)
Give your mind to me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and bow to Me. Doing so, you will come to Me alone, I truly promise you; for, you are exceptionally dear to Me. ….. (65)
Resigning all your duties to me, the all-powerful and all supporting Lord, take refuge in Me alone; I shall absolve you of all sins, worry not. ………….(66)
This secret gospel of the Gita should never be imparted to a man who lacks in austerity, nor to him who is wanting in devotion, nor even to him who is not willing to hear; and in no case to him who finds fault with Me. ……. (67)
He who, offering the highest love to Me, preaches the most profound gospel of the Gita among My devotees, shall come to me alone; there is no doubt about it. …….. (68)
Among men there is none who does Me a more loving service than he; nor shall anyone be dearer to me on the entire globe than he. ……….. (69)
Whosoever studies this sacred dialogue of ours in the form of the Gita, by him too shall I be worshipped with Yajna of Knowledge; such is My conviction. …….. (70)
The man who listens to the holy Gita with reverence, being free from malice, he too, liberated from sin, shall reach the propitious worlds of the virtuous. ………… (71)
Have you, O Arjun, heard this gospel of the Gita attentively? And has your delusion born of ignorance been destroyed, O Dhananjaya, conqueror of riches? ……. (72)
Arjun said: Krishna, by Your grace my delusion has been destroyed and I have gained wisdom, I am free of all doubt, I will do your bidding. ………….. (73)
Sanjaya said: Thus I heard the mysterious and thrilling conversation between Sri Krishna and the high-souled Arjun, son of Kunti. ………….. (74)
Having been blessed with the divine vision by the grace of Sri Vyasa, I heard in person this supremely esoteric gospel from the Lord of Yoga, Sri Krishna Himself, imparting it to Arjun. ……. (75)
Remembering, over and over, that sacred and mystic conversation between Bhagavan Sri Krishna and Arjun, O King! I am thrilled again and yet again. …… (76)
Remembering also, again and again, this most wonderful form of Sri Krishna, great is my wonder and I am thrilled over and over again. …………..  (77)
Wherever there is Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the Lord of Yoga, and wherever there is Arjun, the wielder of the Gandiva bow, goodness, victory, glory and unfailing righteousness will surely be there; such is My conviction.  ………… (78)

Thus, in the Upanishad sung by the Lord, the Science of Brahma, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjun, ends the eighteenth chapter entitled "The Yoga off Liberation through the Path of Knowledge and Self-Surrender."

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