Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 16 (stanza 11-24)

Giving themselves up to innumerable cares ending only with death, they remain devoted to the enjoyment of sensuous pleasures and are firm in their belief that this is the highest limit of joy. …………………. (11)
Held in bondage by hundred of ties of expectation and wholly giving themselves up to lust and anger, they strive to amass by unfair means hoards of money and other objects for the enjoyment of sensuous pleasures. ………………. (12)
They say to themselves, "This much has been secured by me today and now I shall realize this ambition. So much wealth is already with me and yet again this shall be mine. … (13)
That enemy has been slain by me and I shall kill those others too. I am the lord of all, the enjoyer of all power. I am endowed with all occult powers, and am mighty and happy.  (14)
"I am wealthy and own a large family; who else is equal to me> I will sacrifice to gods, will give alms, I will make merry," Thus deluded by ignorance, enveloped in the mesh of delusion and ignorance, enveloped in the mesh of delusion and addicted to the enjoyment of sensuous pleasures, their mind bewildered by numerous thoughts, these men of devilish disposition fall into the foulest hell. …………… (16-16)
Intoxicated by wealth and honor, those self-conceited and haughty men perform sacrifices only in name for ostentation, without following the sacred rituals. ……….. (17)
Given over to egotism, brute force, arrogance, lust and anger etc., and calumniating others, they despise Me (the in dweller), dwelling in their own bodies, as in those of others. .. (18)
Those hearts, sinful, cruel and vilest among men, I cast again and again into demoniacal wombs in this world. …………… (19)
Failing to reach Me, Arjun, those stupid persons are born life after life in demoniac womb, and then verily sink down to a still lower plane. ….. (20)
Desire, anger and greed - these triple gates of hell, bring about the downfall of the soul. Therefore, one should shun all these three.  ………………… (21)
freed from these three gates of hell, man works for his own salvation and thereby attains the supreme goal, i.e., God. …………….. (22)
Discarding the injunctions of the scriptures, he who acts in an arbitrary way according to his own sweet will, such a person neither attains occult powers, nor the supreme goal, nor even happiness. …………….(23)
Therefore, the scripture alone is your guide in determining what should be done and what should not be done. Knowing this, you ought to perform only such action as is ordained by the scriptures. ……………… (24)

Thus, in the Upanishad sung by the Lord, the Science of Brahma, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjun, ends the sixteenth chapter entitled "The Yoga of Division between the Divine and the Demoniacal Properties."

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