Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bhagavad-Gita The Song Divine Chapter 10 (stanza 14-25)

Krishna, I believe as true all that you tell me. Lord, neither demons nor gods are aware of your manifestations.  …………………. (14)
O Creator of beings, O Ruler of creatures, god of gods, the Lord of the universe, O supreme Purusa, You alone know what You are by Yourself. …………….. (15)
Therefore, you alone can describe in full your divine glories, whereby you pervade all these worlds. …………. (16)
O Master of Yoga, through what process of continuous meditation shall I know You? And in what particular forms, O Lord, are you to be meditated upon by me? …………. (17)
Krishna, tell me once more in detail your power of Yoga and Your glory; for I know no satiety in hearing your nectar-like words. ……. (18)
Sri Bhagavan said: Arjun, now I shall tell you My prominent divine glories; for there is no limit to My manifestations. ………………. (19)
Arjun, I am the universal Self seated in the hearts of all beings; so I alone am the beginning, the middle and also the end of all beings. ………… (20)
I am Vishnu among the twelve sons of Aditi, and the radiant sun among the luminaries; I am the glow of the Maruts (the forty-nine wind-gods), and the moon, the lord of the stars. (21)
Among the Vedas, I am the Samaveda; among the gods. I am Indra, among the organs of perception i.e., senses, I am the mind; and I am the consciousness (life-energy) in living beings. ……… (22)
Among the eleven Rudras (gods of destruction), I am Shiva, and among the Yaksas and Raksasas, I am the lord of riches (Kubera). Among the eight Vasus, I am the god of fire; and among the mountains, I am the Meru. ………… (23)
Among the priests, Arjun, know Me to be their chief, Brhaspati. Among warrior-chiefs, I am Skanda (the generalissimo of the gods); and among the reservoirs of water, I am he ocean. ………. (24)
Among the great seers, I am Bhrgu; among words, I am the sacred syllable OM; among sacrifices, I am the sacrifice of Japs (muttering of sacred formulas); and among the immovable's, the Himalayas.  ………… (25)

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