Saturday, June 6, 2015

Visible attainments of Sadhana 4

No other organization has as many selfless, trusted and contented workers of great caliber as are found her. Everyone associated with this organization has tested it and firmly believes that the soul of a Brahmana is luminously at work here. Millions of people had abandoned their homes and had become the disciples, Parivrajaks of Buddha. Those who participated in Gandhi's Satyagrah did not ask for any remuneration. Similarly Pragya Abhiyan is the rare example of an organization in which thousands of highly qualified full-time workers are working for the mission merely on food and clothes.
It is indeed a unique miracle wrought by the divine energy of Siddhi, through which so much money, manpower, resources and spontaneous cooperation of people at large are flowing to the mission.
I had to go to the Himalayas a number of times in the past on the direction of my Gurudev for performing Sadhana in solitude. People link this journey with something miraculous. They believe that the Himalayas are the abode of miracle-performing beings and realized souls. In fact, I had to go to the Himalayas to become more introvert. The exterior life of a person is dominated by outer events but his inner life is influenced by feelings and sentiments. An illumined mind and a loving heart constitute spirituality. The rat-race for gratification of desires and amassing of material objects is materialism. Since I have dedicated my whole life to demonstrate life-reforming spirituality, while outwardly leading a normal worldly life, it became essential for me to occasionally retire into solitude with a view to nullify any influence of materialism on the exterior life. An effort was made during my Agyatvas (living in solitude in an unknown place) in the Himalayas to bring the soul as close to God as possible. The most important aim was the cultivation of elevated, sublime feelings and sentiments which do not need the support of persons, resources and favorable circumstances. In whatever circumstances one may be placed, the mental make-up has to be so molded that it may be possible to visualize the deeper reality beneath the facade of superficial phenomenon. It is then that one feels immense joy and bliss and is able to see and visualize the presence of God everywhere.

Those who have an occasion to read my book 'Colleagues in Solitude' (Sunsan-ke-Sahacar) must have understood how one can have the experience of Sat, Cit and Ananda by living a divinely inspired life. This is also a Siddhi. I always remain deeply absorbed in happiness and bliss like God living in Heaven, although apparently I am leading an ordinary life of the world.

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