Saturday, June 13, 2015

My Direct Role as a Manisi 1

There is no dearth of books, literature etc. these days. Looking to the plethora of newspapers, magazines, journals etc, which are being published these days, it would appear as if the number of Manisis and, their readers have increased manifold. Why then are these publications not having healthy impact on the minds of their readers? The reason can obviously be found in the aforesaid dictum readers? The reason can obliviously be found in the aforesaid dictum Pavani na Bhavanti. If literature of high standards had been written and published to uplift and refine thoughts and feelings one would not have found so much perversion and chaos in the society. The right solution to the day-to-day problems lies in the hands of Yug-Manisis.
As I have stated earlier, the new era will dawn by refinement of thoughts and emotions. If there has to be any revolution it will not be through shedding blood but by eliminating the base instincts and thoughts embedded in the human psyche and their substitution by refined, noble and uplifting thoughts and feelings. If a new society of nobler and higher order is to be formed it will be possible only by the implanting of righteous thoughts and feelings. The so-called intelligentsias are responsible for making the present society utterly debased. The intelligentsia has played a prominent role in creating hatred, riots, ill-well, racialism and extensive human bloodshed. Had they followed the righteous path, had their hearts been pure, had they been purified by Tapascarya, they would have created a constructive flow of scientific achievements and had written high-quality inspiriting literature. When Hitler intended to give material shape to Nietzsche's theory of dictatorship he, first of all, turned the minds of the people of the entire nation towards it. The teachers and scientist became fanatic supporters of Nazism and this negative ideology of 'Mein Kemph' was propagated through the curricula and newspapers of the country. The entire nation became a victim of this fanaticism and this frenzy of racial superiority resulted not only in widespread human destruction but ultimately ruined the country itself. If this Manisa had been turned in the right direction, it would have helped Germany in attaining unheard of prosperity and all-round progress.
Karl Marx, who was economically indigent throughout his life, propounded an economic theory that revolutionized the whole society. The castles of capitalism were demolished and death knell of imperialism was sounded in almost two-thirds of the entire world. His book Das Capital inaugurated the beginning of a new era in which the rights of the workers were recognized and a new chapter of equitable distribution of money and materials was opened. Millions of people thus got an opportunity to lead a happy life of self-reliance. Had the ideology of Rousseau not so widely influenced the masses, t philosophy of universal franchise and majority rule would not have gained ground and the rule of "might is right" would have continued unchecked. The supremacy of crude Jagirdars and rulers would have still continued according to the tradition of inheritance. Thus, it is due to the revolution inspired by Manisa that colonizers were swept away and colonial rule was abolished. In this context, I have always been referring to the name of Lady Hariot Stow, along with those of Lincoln and Luther King, whose writings helped the black people in freeing themselves from the clutches of slavery. Obviously this was the role played by Yug-Manisa.
The revolution brought about by the insight of Buddha was based on wisdom, farsightedness and morality. The hurricane of the movement for independence raised by Gandhi, Patel and Nehru was the indirect result of the Manisa which had by its tremendous force metamorphosed the era. Not all these great persons had written volumes of thought provoking literature. What they achieved was possible only when they played the role of Munis, awakened their dormant inner energies and created so much power in their thoughts and feelings that the whole atmosphere was surcharged with a great idol.

Circumstances are also quite disconcerting these days. To save humanity, which is swinging, pendulum-like, between prosperity and total destruction, it is necessary to undertake the herculean labor to fathom the deepest depths of perennial values to reestablish supremacy of human dignity and spiritual wisdom. It is erroneous to think that material resources will be able to accomplish this work. Spirituality alone can flush out inner perversions. I have made Manisa alone the medium to instill piety and brilliance in human beings and have visualized the dream of a golden future.

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