Sunday, June 14, 2015

My request and assurance to my own people 1

Whether by faith or habit, there is such a strong bond between us that it is not limited merely to the exchange of thoughts and personal contacts. Several Parijans are facing difficulties. Most of them are entangled in some problem or the other. Some persons want to be in better worldly conditions. They may be several reasons, but the fact remains that people come to me for the fulfillment of some desire or aspiration and express it, with or without speech. Their faith is reassured when they find that what they wanted has been fulfilled, if not fully, at least partially.
This is not relationship of a beggar and a benefactor but of a guardian and his ward. If a calf does not such the milk of its mother, a serious problem is created for the cow. It is not the cow alone which gives milk to the calf. The calf also gives something to its mother.
Although, outwardly, a regular record of membership of Gayatri Parivar, Pragya Parivar is maintained and the condition of regular contribution is attached to it, the reality is that it is an intimate relationship of close affinity of past births of which I am well aware. In the background there are several miraculous events which I remember very well. Both the sides try to come closer and are always keen to do everything which can be done for the other. This is not mere imagination but a reality which is experienced by both from time to time.
These third categories of persons, who are my children, have, no doubt, helped the mission but it is a secondary matter. The main thing for me is how to get the joy of seeing them happy. Up-till now, we met, talked and enjoyed the company of each other but that facility has now been withdrawn.  In this, there is that routine external contacts disturb the focus required in Suksmikarana Sadhana with which the fate of humanity is linked. If t matter had been about my own personal liberation or attainment of Siddhi or heaven it could have been easily postponed. But the times are so critical that not a moment can be wasted. There is no alternative but to take up position on the front, like an honest soldier. Parijans are therefore, requested to leave me alone with a view to enabling me to concentrate on Suksmikarana Sadhana.

I reassure all my children, Pragya-Parijans, that if they refine their inner consciousness a little they will feel a deep, intimate affinity with and proximity to me because my astral body will become more radiant and remain vibrantly alive till 2000 A.D. It will instantly reach wherever necessary and give the needed affection, cooperation, advice, guidance etc. There is not going to be the slightest change in my habit of helping people in their difficulties and in their Sadhana. They will get this benefit now to a greater extent.

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