Saturday, June 13, 2015

My Direct Role as a Manisi

A man is elevated with the help of his inner power. It is equally true that the atmosphere purified by Tapascarya and endurance, education, proximity and advice of noble persons also play very important roles. It has been observed that even most ordinary and least competent persons act heroically and accomplish tasks which are otherwise impossible for them to do, if they identify themselves with the irresistible and all-conquering force of a great and noble ideal, inspired by the Time Spirit (Mahakal), which has fired the imagination, mind and the heart of society at a particular time. In the ancient times, Manisis and Munis (spiritually evolved saints and thinkers) used to play this role. They used to remain absorbed in Yug-Sadhana and through the effective medium of pen and speech they used to sublimate and inspire the thoughts of the people. Such Sadhaks created several elevated persons, awakened their dormant powers, molded them in the right direction and brought about salutary changes in the society. Although such persons were apparently like ordinary people, they were highly superior in terms of elevation of soul, illumined intelligence, refined emotions and dedication to higher ideals.
It is well-known that Munis and Risis have been regarded as two types of geniuses in the spiritual field Risis were those who were engaged in Tapascarya and conducted spiritual research and thereby guided the common masses. Those who focused on progressive refinement and sharpening of human mind and intellect by their thinking, contemplation and intensive study were known as Munis. One was a symbol of piety (Risi) and the other of Brilliance (Munis). Both of them had to do intensive Tapascarya and Sadhana to become extremely refined so that by making themselves spiritually powerful and expansive they could completely change the trend of the minds and hearts of the people. While Munis are at liberty to use physical resources and means, the same is not necessary for Risis who can also work in the astral form and exert their energies from there to surcharge the atmosphere with noble Sanskars.

Ordinarily, by Manisis people understand a great man, Mahapragya whose mind is under his control, who is not guided by the impulses of his mind but guides it. Such a person is known as Manisi and his Pragya (divine intellect and intuition) as Manisa (Spiritual wisdom). It is stated in the scriptures, Manisa asti yesam te manisi na. But side by side it has also been stated, manisi nastu bhavanti, pavnani na bhavanti, which means that there are so many Manisis who are very sharp of intellect but it is not necessary that they may be holy or pious also. One may be intelligent but it is a different thing to be not only intelligent but also have a pious and pure inner consciousness. Today a large number of editors, intellectuals, writers, investigators, scientists are scattered throughout the country but they are not Manisis. Why? Because they have not performed Tapascarya to acuire piety by inner purification.

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