Saturday, May 23, 2015

Carnal mind was defeated - I succeeded

I learnt the truth about the existence of siddha purusas during my first journey to the Himalayas. I was disillusioned of the earlier notion that I had in the matter and also disillusioned others who had similar notions that a meeting with saint siddha purusa is not possible unless ,requisites competences is attained because they live in astral bodies and appear only  before those who are worthy to see them.
A detailed description about my pilgrimage to the Himalayas is given in my book titled "Colleagues in Solitude" (sunsan-ke-sanchar). This book is a literary travelogue. One gets a clue from it how desires, fear and adverse circumstances can be overcome through will-power. A person who has to take to the spiritual path has to make his mind and soul strong. I have explained in it why the Himalayas and the banks of the fear of loneliness is the unstable mind. If the mind is steadfast and strong, there is no need of companies; and man, like animals, need not be afraid of loneliness.
Even ferocious animals are afraid of human beings. If a man summons up courage and thinks that his hands, feet eyes, faces, mind intellect are constantly with to guide him, there is no reason for him to be afraid. Only few animals are ferocious and they can be faced with fearlessness and a feeling of live. Raja Harishchandra lived in the cremation ground and served as a sweeper. Masais of Kenya live amidst tiger in dense forests. Adivasis live in dense forests surrounded by snakes, tigers etc. There is, therefore, no reason why an intelligent person of steadfast will cannot live there.

A person comes all alone in this world. He eats, sleeps, walks alone. He has ultimately to leave this world alone to the invisible world. As a natural consequence of aspiring to lead a  spiritual life there should be, at least, so much attitudinal change in our mind that we are able to feel happy in all circumstances. By practice our body can be molded in any manner we like. Eskimos of North pole region live only on fish. Persons living in high regions of inaccessible Himalayas and Alps live long despite the lake of normal facilities and creature comforts. Animals can live on grass. If man also selects some particular useful leaves as his diet he can easily subsist on them after some practice. I had several such experiences in my first journey to the Himalayas. My wayward mind came under control and carnal tendencies were thrown out and replaced by positive, joy-filled thoughts and experiences.

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