Monday, May 18, 2015

The sunrise of my life's fortune 4

There is nothing spiritual in supernatural feats which an ordinary man cannot perform. Observing silence, taking food by keeping on the hand, keeping a hand always in a raised position, passing time lying on a cradle and similar other feats are nothing but jugglery. A real saint or his disciple has to tread the ancient path of Sadhana propounded by Risis, of devoting one's life for public good as was done by Kabir, Chaitanya, Samarth Ramdas, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Vivekananda, Dayananda  etc. God is never pleased with those who merely chant His name. He does not need motivated worship or offerings. Chanting of God's name is meaningful only to those who are engaged in beautifying and developing His garden, this universe. These thoughts dominated my mind throughout the day on that Basant Parva. The Master clearly advised me that efforts for inner self-growth and self-improvement should go hand-in-hand with acts of public service. It was also enjoined on me to perform a chain of Gayatri Mahapurascarans during the next twenty-four years, observing certain rules and restrictions. I WAs also directed to wrok like a true volunteer in the country's struggle for independence.
Gurudev explained how I should lead my life. He took the reins of my life in his hands, directed and guided it and crowned my every effort with success.
On that day, I wholeheartedly and completely surrendered myself to Gurudev and my inmost soul silently pledged: " I hereby surrender to you all that I am and have. I have not seen God but you are my God because you are guiding me towards my highest good. I will explicitly mould my life in accordance with the instructions imparted by you".

The instructions that Gurudev gave that day were (i) performance of twenty four Mahapurascarans of Gayatri in twenty-four years; (ii) installation of an uninterruptedly lighted Ghrit lamp; (iii) visiting his retreat in the Himalayas four times as sper his calls, and living there in some proximate place for prescribed periods for intensive spiritual pursuits (sadhana) under his direct and systematic guidance. Some further instructions, which need not be disclosed here, were also given. All these instructions have been followed throughout my life and all that has been accomplished in my life is the result of Gurudev's grace.

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