Thursday, September 10, 2015


"Sheikhu, today I am going to a wedding to help with the work," said his mother.
"Mother, last time you got wonderful sweets. What will you get this time?" asked Sheikh enthusiastically.
"I don't know but I will be given something nice to eat as well as some extra money," replied his mother.
Sheikh loved to eat. He started dreaming about the wonderful sweets he would get to eat in the evening.
"Sheikhu. Are you listening to me?" he heard his mother say.
"Yes, mother," said Sheikh.
"You must go and cut some grass from the nearby forest, here is a sickle. Don't lose it." warned his mother.
"Oh Mother! Why must I work? I don't like to work. I only want to sit and enjoy myself.
"My friend has said that she will give you money if you cut grass for her cow and will not give you sweets if you don't cut the grass," said his mother to Sheikh.
Sheikh did not want to miss the sweets that he would get in the evening, so he went to cut the grass.
For the first time he was careful in doing his work. He cut the grass, then he tied the grass and gave the bundle of grass to his mother's friend.
She gave him two annas for it and Sheikh ran home happily. Suddenly he remembered that he had left the sickle in the forest.
He knew that his mother would be angry if the lost the sickle, so he ran to get it from the forest.
Sheikh found the sickle and he bent to pick it up. Then he screamed, "Aaaaaah! as he touched the hot blade of the sickle.
Sheikh felt that he had burnt his hand when he touched the sickle. He stood staring at the sickle for a very long time.
Just then Lallan from his village passed that way. Lallan enquired of Sheikh, "What are you doing?"
"Something has happened to the sickle. It has fever. It is very hot. Can you help me? asked Sheikh.
"Yes, I know the cure. We will tie and put it in the water of the well. Then the sickle will recover from its fever," advised Lallan.
They tied the sickle to a rope and dipped it in the water of the well.
Lallan knew that the sickle was burning because it had become hot in the sun, but he wanted to tease Sheikh.
He told Sheikh, "Let us leave the sickle here in the well. In the evening you can come and take it home."
Sheikh walked home with Lallan who was all this while planning to steal the sickle.
He knew that if Sheikh lost he sickle then Sheikh would get a beating from his mother and that is what Lallan wanted. He always felt happy when Sheikh was punished. 1

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