Wednesday, September 23, 2015


One say, a woman saw her baby getting very cranky. She felt his forehead and was worried to find him running a very high temperature.
She decided to take the baby to a doctor but she didn't have a car because her husband had taken it.
She started to take the bay to a doctor but she didn't have a car because her husband had taken it.
She started walking as there was no taxi or rickshaw around, she had to walk a long distance, and all this while, her baby was getting even more irritable.
The woman walked on with the baby in her arms, till she reached a clinic of a doctor.
She rushed inside and said, "Doctor, my baby is very sick."
The doctor, how is my baby? What has happened to him? He has not been eating anything, and his body his body feels so hot. He is even crying a lot, "Said the worried mother.
The doctor replied, "The baby has very high fever. I will have to give strong medicines and injections. You better wait here for sometimes. You can take the baby home once the fever comes down."
Throughout the day, the woman kept sitting near her baby, and it was only in the evening that the fever came down.
"No, he has asked, "Have you called your husband?"
"No, he has gone to another town," answered the woman.
The doctor said, "Now you can go home. The baby is better."
He wrote a prescription and told her to give medicines to the baby at the right time.
She thanked the doctor and picked up the bay lovingly.
It was dark outside and had becomes very cloudy. She felt that a storm was soon to break, so she tried to hurry.
Even now, she could not find any taxi or rickshaw. So she walked on.
All of a sudden it started raining heavily. She looked around for a place where she could find shelter and saw an old temple. Keeping her baby wrapped in a blanket, she ran towards the temple.
The temple was in ruins. She sat down and made the baby sit on her lap. Suddenly, she heard a hissing sound and saw a snake right in front of her.
The woman shouted, "God! Why are you troubling me so much today?"But then she thought that she should act fast. It was still raining but she ran out of the temple with the baby in her arms. She had barely stepped out of the temple, when she heard a loud crashing sound. She turned back to find the whole temple crumbing down.
The woman thought, "Oh God! What a narrow escape for both of us. My baby and I were sitting exactly where the roof has fallen down. We would have died if we had stayed in the temple any longer."
She then knelt with her baby and prayed, "God forgive me. I shouted angrily at you when I saw the snake because I thought it would bite us. It made me run away, so we got saved from the falling roof. The snake was a signal for us to leave the temple. I was blaming you, but actually you were helping us. I am sorry for shouting like that. I should have kept my faith in you because you look after us all the time."
Soon the rain stopped and she walked home with the baby.

The woman reached her house safely with the baby. She thanked God again for looking after both of them, and keeping them alive.

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