Tuesday, September 8, 2015


One day a man came to Sheikh and asked, "Are you Hussain?"
Now Sheikh Chilli was tired of being called stupid by one and all, so he decided to act smart!
He looked at the man and said, "Yes, I am Hussain."
The man complained, "Last month! Bought a goat from you. That goat has run away."
Sheikh just smiled.
The man went on, "The goat must have come back to you."
Sheikh chuckled and said, "Yes"
The man demanded, "You must give the goat or my money back to me."
Sheikh giggled more. The man thought that Sheikh was teasing him and feeling irritated, he started hitting Sheikh. Many people crowded around them.
Everyone was surprise because Sheikh went on grinning, even thought he was being beaten so badly.
For some time the man kept hitting Sheikh and Sheikh started laughing heartily. This made the man angrier.
He started kicking Sheikh so hard that blood came out form Sheikh's mouth but Sheikh kept on laughing.
Finally the man got tired of beating Sheikh and went away.
Then Sheikh boasted to the people "See I am so clever. I fooled that man."
"How did you fool him? You were the one being beaten" gasped the people standing there.
"Yes and that was because I let him think that I am Hussain when I am not. See how I fooled that man?" GRINNED SHEIKH CHILLI.

Everyone was shocked at Sheikh's extreme stupidity.

pray and get a buffalo
A holy man came to Sheikh's village to preach the people to pray to God several times every day.
He told them, "If you all pray regularly, then God will give you a buffalo as a reward."
Sheikh really wanted a buffalo. He had often dreamt that if he had a buffalo he would become rich. But Sheikh did not want to be fooled.
He thought and thought.
Finally Sheikh said to the holy man "There must be some trick in this. What if we don't get a buffalo?"

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