Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Akbar had just decided on a case and thinking about it, he asked Birbal, "When can we see the justice of God?"
Birbal took a while to answer and then he replied, "In your empire, you, your Majesty, are there to give justice to all. When you give a wrong punishment, then the justice of God can be seen. He makes up for the mistakes that you make."
Akbar said, "You are right. I should be careful and fair while giving justice to everyone."

Drown in the rivers
Akbar took Birbal along when he went to see if his villagers were happy with his rule. He called a man sitting nearby and asked him. "What is your name?"
The man said, "Saryu."
What is your mother's name?" asked Akbar.
"Her name is Ganga." said the man.
Your wife's name?" Saraswati."
Akbar said, "Your child's name?"
The man said, "Her name is Gomti."
Birbal said, "Stop, Stop, You are naming all the rivers. Don't say the names of any more rivers or we will be swept away. Wait till I call for a boat lest we all drown in the rivers."
Birbal and all the people standing nearby burst out laughing.

The truly learned
Emperor Akbar asked Birbal, "We have talked so much about fools and learned men. Birbal tell me seriously, what is the real difference between fools and wise people, and Birbal, no jokes this time."
Birbal said, "It is very simple. I can easily explain the difference between a fool and a wise man."
Birbal added, "The real test of the fact whether a man is wise or foolish, comes when a person is faced with some problem in life."
Akbar said, "Explain in detail, Birbal."
Birbal then explained, "A wise man will not lose his composure when there is a problem. He will think and work out the best possible solution to tide over the problem. He will accomplish this without causing much trouble to himself or others."
Akbar asked, "And a foolish man?"
Birbal said, "In times when there is a difficulty, a foolish man would not only be unable to get rid of the problem, but could also make matters worse."
Birbal went on, "Or if the man, instead of helping, further complicates the problem then he is a fool."
Akbar said, "YOU are right, Birbal."
Birbal asked, "Is this the answer you expected, Your Majesty?"

Akbar said, "No, I thought that you would say that a person who has studied well would be wise, and a fool would be the one who has not received any education at all. But what you say is right. A wise man would always have control over himself and the problems, irrespective of the fact whether he has studied well or not. A wise man would use his abilities to the best and solve his problems, and not burden others with his worries.

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