Saturday, August 8, 2015


Muneer told Hatim Husn Bano lived all alone in her palace with only an old nurse and a few guards to look after her. Once she had been caught in a serious trouble.
Once, a holy man came to Husn Bano's city. She asked her nurse to call the holy man to her palace for dinner.
The holy man came and was well looked after by Husn Bano herself.
The forty students of the holy man were also served dinner by the servants.
After the dinner, the holy man asked for Husn Bano's permission to leave with his disciples.
Before he left, Husn Bano offered him some costly gifts but he refused saying, "What attachments do men like us have with wealth?"
The holy man was actually a robber and the forty students with him were robbers too.
These robbers used to disguise themselves as holy men and then gain entry into the houses of rich people. They used to see the costly things of a particular house during the day, and at night they used to steal away everything.
That night the holy man and his men came to steal valuables from Husn Bano's palace.
At midnight when all was quiet, Husn Bano heard some noise. She woke up and saw a band robber's stealing her wealth.
She recognized the chief robber. He was none other than who had disguised himself as a holy man. Her servants tried to stop the robber, but they were overpowered by the robbers.
Next morning, Husn Bano went the king to inform him about holy man who was actually a robber. But the ring simply refused to believe her.
Husn Bano tried to prove her point by calling her nurse as a witness. But the king, because of his blind faith in the holy man, did not believe Husn bano.
He got so annoyed with Husn Bano that the decided to punish her. He took away her palace and ordered her to get out of the kingdom along with her old nurse.
She and her nurse were turned out of their palace without any food or money.
They were left by the guards in the forest. They did not know what to do or where to go, as they had never been to the forest alone.
The two women were terrified on hearing the ferocious roars of animals in the dark and dense forests. But they decided to act bravely.
They decided to sleep by turns so that they could be safe in the forest. Husn Bano slept while her nurse kept guard.
While sleeping, Husn Bano saw a dream in which she saw an old man with a white beard.
The old man told her to dig the earth near the tree where she was lying asleep. He told her that there was treasure there and it was for her.
When she woke up, Husn Bano told the nurse about her dream.
Just then, she saw one of her old servants coming towards her. He had brought food for them. Husn Bano asked him to bring something to dig the ground.
Next day, the servant brought a spade. Then they quickly dug for the treasure and found it. It was just as Husn Bano had seen in her dream.
There was a lot of gold and money there. Husn Bano thanked God for giving her the wealth.
She then asked her old servants to arrange for people who could build houses and roads. She wanted to build houses and roads. She wanted to build a beautiful city in the same forest.
The king not only allowed her to build the city, but also provided her help in building it.

When the city was complete, it looked wonderful. Husn Bano started living in a palace of her city.

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