Thursday, May 29, 2014

67. Integration of the Sciences of Mantra and Yantra

The science of mantras was developed by the risis in the ancient era with the purpose of creating a happy and prosperous world where the progress of the inner self was given significant importance along with other aspects of human life.
The modern science (of yantras) has no doubt accomplished great success in material based progress and prosperity. However, the negligence of the sublime domains - of thoughts, emotions and inner sentiments of faith in divine moral values and altruist responsibilities towards selflese service of humanity - has left this progress as onesided and imcomplete.
In spite of material progress and worldly achievements, one hardly finds peace and happiness in this world today. Possessive and selfish attitude largely prevailing in the entire human society has added to the sufferings of some and the cruelty or apathy of some others….. The lack of faith in the moral values, divine origin and dignity of humanity has led to the hidden feelings of insecurity and illusive passions even among the mightier (more successful) and wealthier sections of the society including the elite intellectuals.
This is the time when the yantrika science should open up ways to realize the importance of the mantrika science and come forward to research the fields of consciousness, values and deeper aspects of psychology. The integration of the two great sciences should offer solutions to the gigantic problems and challenges that seem to be threatening the very existence of humanity and human life today…..
The goals of the yantrika and mantrika sciences have one thing in common  - both, in their own ways, strive deciphering the latent powers of Nature. While the yantrika science searches them in the material and related physical streams of energy - that could be 'perceived' and used by material based medium and means, the mantrika science attempts to realize them in the sublime realms of the activation and expression of consciousness indwelling in the libing forms and in the cosmic expansion. While there are different types of yantras for different tasks and each yantra works only on specific (material based) energy inputs under specific conditions….., all the experiments of mantras are performed only on the natural instrument of the human body and mind.
The mantra sadhanas are designed with particular focus on the extrasensory centers - like, the sat cakras, the granthis, the upatyikas, etc, of the subliminal energy (of consciousness) in the human body. Various yogasanas and kriyas (exercises) like - pranayama, bandha, mudra, neti dhauti, vasti, together with mental training by different kinds of upawasa, tapa, titiksa and dhyana are supporting techniques in the experiments of the mantrika science.
The basic principles behind the experiments of mantrika science on the human body emanate from the fact that - the panda is a miniature of the Brahmanda and thus all the powers human body immanent in the cosmic expansion also latently indwell in the human body. The specific extrasensory centers correspond to the sublime nuclei of specific energy fields pervaded in the cosmos…….

The other 'experimental units' for the 'action' of mantras are the human brain and mind. These provide the most evolved and intensive elements (of consciousness) for experiments in the mantrika science. The modern scientists and psychologists have unanimously argued that- even the most intelligent and creative functions, known so far, of the human brain, along with their usual regulatory functions……, jointly use only a small fraction (about 7%) of the real energy (potential) of this marvelous component associated with the body and the mind. The remaining 93% of the 'power' of the human brain still lies unused and is beyond the reach of the yantrika science as yet. The so-called observations of para-psychological or metaphysical nature are minor glimpses of this latent ocean of conscious power. the mantra sadhanas aim at activating and creatively channelizing this hidden or extrasensory potential of human brain and deeper depths of the human kind.

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