Thursday, May 22, 2014

52. Experiments on Mantra: Interaction of Sound with Thermal Energy

Maharshi Aurbindo has stated that - the human intellect has, no doubt, achieved a lot by deciphering, through scientific developments, the secrets of Nature at certain cosmic as well as atomic and micro levels. However, the greater part - that, dealing with the consciousness, still remains to be seen. We shall focus here on some such aspects in the context of mantra Sadhana.
Vani: Voice, including the speech of the thoughts and the emotions - happens to be most significant among all the apparent or latent potentials of consciousness bestowed upon the human beings. This divine bequest has been at the root of making the communication and expansion of knowledge and information possible in real terms. It would be frightening to imagine the status of the human society without this wonderful gift of vani. Apart from its obvious role at the social and educational levels the vani - being a tool for manifestation of Sabda - also plays a crucial role in spiritual developments. As mentioned earlier, the mantra Sadhana triggers an 'explosion' of the power of Sabda via the medium of refined vani.
It is well known that we are able to pronounce uncountable variety of phonemes and syllables with enormous flexibility of pitch and amplitude because of the simultaneous movements and associative functioning of the lips, teeth, throat and the vocal cord along with the tongue. If it were only a single component, say the tongue along that produced 'voice' then the human beings would have been able to utter only a limited number of phonemes (sounds) like most animals and birds too. The simultaneous movement of several interconnected components of the vocal system also creates vibrations in the linkages of the latter with the nervous system and the brain and thus makes the human voice so special. These vibrations (generated by the flow of our vani), because of their connections with the brain, also induce micro subtler effects on may many intra-body functions as well.
As mentioned earlier, the combination of specific syllables and vowels in the mantras is so designed that the japa of a particular mantra would have definite effects on some specific functional centers and domains of the hidden source of live. the latter include - the sat cakras, the three extrasensory 'knots' (granthis), the three nadis (the latent energy currents/ canals along the endocrine column), das pranas (ten streams of prana) 72000 nerves and muscles and the 54 upatyikas endowed in a living human body.

The dreaded dangers of noise pollution on the one hand and the amazing applications of the ultra and infra sound on the other, illustrate that - the syllables and words spoken or heard are much more than mere carriers of information. That music is more powerful as a means for creativity, sentimental thrust, medical therapy, improvement in agricultural production and psychosomatic health than as a tool for entertainment - is also well recognized by the world. Music has now become an important part of school education in the high tech countries like Japan in order to help create the feelings of compassion, cooperation and discipline among the children.

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