Saturday, May 24, 2014

55. Possibilities of Scientific Research

The use of fire and thermal energy in general has been advancing ever since the beginning of civilization. Scientific and technological advancement of the 20th century has also offered tremendous applications of sound. Scientific experiments on the conjunction of these energies - based on the principles of mantra japa and yajna anusthana - should also be carried out in order to investigate the possibilities of viable global benefits keeping in total harmony with multiple realms of life and Nature. Controlled experiments could be designed in this regard to perform large scale yajnas whth consistent collective chanting of the selected vaidika mantras and test the changes, if any, in the ionosphere thereby.
Comprehensive research in the science of mantra and yajna would demand an in-depth stufy of - (a) the physical (including chemical and biological) and subtle powers of sound and heat; (b) the power of attraction and the gross structure as well as subliminal domain of the cosmic centers associated with the devatas of different mantras. For instance the manifold physical and subtle power currents of the sun and the orgulous effects of meditation on its subtle body (savita) should be researched in the context of the Gayatri Yajnas…..; (c) fundamental principles of transformation of matter and energy; and (d) human psychology and the deeper science of inner emotions and sentiments.
While the physical powers of sound and heat have been recognized and used by the modern science at a very advanced level, a lot remains to be deciphered on their sublime fronts. The studies of the cosmic nuclei of mantras and those of the sentimental powers would also demand detailed study of the vaidika scriptures, before one investigates the scientific methods for experimental investigations and applications of mantra japa and yajna. some related excerpts from the ancient scriptures are presented beleow  with relevant commentaries.
The Yajurbeda (23-42) mentions "Brahm Surya Sama Jyoti" _ ’the sun is a manifestation of an element of the Brahm. It is the internal and external power of the sun, which is the source for the expression and growth of life on the earth. Be that the thermal (external) or the vital (internal) energy of the Sun - it is certain that these energy spheres are vibrated by the specific thermal and sonic energy waves generated by the combined effects of different yajnas and mantras.'
The net effect of these vibrations augments the vital elements necessary for maintaining creative synergy  between various components of Nature….. This is why Nature appears to be exceptionally kind and friendly in the regions where yajnas (with mantra anusthanas) are performed regularly for substantially long periods of time. Ecological balance, strengthening of the ionosphere, increase in the quality and quantity of the agricultural products……, etc are obvious offshoots of the positive effects of yajnas.
The sublime stream of the energy of the mantras is far more magnificent and wonderful. this, if accompanied by the subtle elements of yajnas, can expand in the limitless cosmic 'hole' and attract the subliminal currents of the corresponding streams of the omnipresent powers of the Supreme Consciousness. This is how the attainment of the desired/ resolved noble goals becomes feasible by performing the mantra anusthana with yajnas.

Feasibility of the aforesaid astonishing effects could be better understood if we realize that - sentiments and emotions, being manifestations of Sabda also exist as some kinds of 'super-ultra' or 'micro-infra' sonic waves, i.e. the waves that are finer and subliminal expressions of Sabda as compared to the ultra and infra sound waves. Whatever we think deeply or feel intrinsically is indeed an expression in the 'voice' of our inner mind…. The mantras and yajnas are like scientific devices and procedures used to transmit and receive such sound waves at different horizons of the reflections of Sabda and Nada.

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