Wednesday, May 21, 2014

49. Practices & Effects Associated with Japa

Engrossment of mind in the meaning, implication, or the divine feeling associated with a mantra - is essential for adept practicing of any kind of japa. This, not only trains the mind for sharp concentration and deeper meditation, but also helps its purification via removal of the assimilated kusamskaras - pertaining to the evil instincts of jealous, lust, anger, arrogance and insidious addictions etc. Once the mind is cleaned the intrinsic afflatus and effected begin to mark their impressions on it…… This subsequently results in the cultivation of virtuous mental abilities and creative talents together with distinct moral elevation. Japa is described in almost all religions as the best exercise for the preliminary training and enlightenment of mind.
By repeated and continuous movements, even a rope, used for fetching water from a well, can leave its mark on the stones around the wall of the well. Domestic animals, even if let free, return back to their masters just because of habit……… The animal of the circus companies become master performers by rigorous training and repeated practice. Be that a wrestler, a good student or a dedicated scientist……, each one gains success only after a scrupulous effort and sincere practice….. Continuous collection of small drops can fill the whole tank…. These and similar well known examples signify the necessity as well as the sufficiency of regular practice for the achievement of perfection in any training…… The same holds true for the conditioning and refinement of mind by the Sadhana of Japa. The disciplined endeavor of Japa is therefore also termed as a yajna. Meditation (dhyana) and japa are mutually  complementary and essentially coexisting in every kind of mantra Sadhana.
Some scientific Points:
The subtle (mental) body likewise the gross (physical) body of every human being consists of a complex network of interconnected extrasensory 'nerves'. The vibrations produced during a japa are not so significant in the gross body as that in the subtle body. Its 'latent nerves' do vibrate in complete harmony with the sonic pattern of the mantra. These subtle vibrations stimulate the specific nodes of the extrasensory operations. The activation of these nodes (sublime centers of inner consciousness) is indeed responsible for emergence of astonishing inner strength and supernatural faculties of the sadhaka.

The gradual and controlled arousal of the subtle nuclei of prana elevates the sadhaka's individual self into higher spiritual realms endowed with divine virtues. It is said that the people of Vadika Age in Nepal were ardent ascetic sadhakas of such noble caliber that each one of them was living expression of divine powers - whence the mention of 33 crores manifestations of God in the Shastrika Literature.

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