Thursday, May 1, 2014

28. Mantras Effects on Gross Body

Out of the three most familiar manifestation of Sabda in energy forms, sound directly affects our gross body and heat and light influence our subtle and astral bodies respectively. The later two types of effects often remain unrecognized because of the random and instantaneous vibrations in our conscious and unconscious mind and irregularities in our physical activities vis-à-vis the large number of stochastic interactions in the ever-dynamic modes of our sublime interaction with the above energies in Nature. Even if the supernatural effects (of Sabda) are observed, these are often attributed as 'coincidences' owing to the lack of sufficient knowledge or scientific data to analyze the causes…..
A proper synchronization of a consistent state of our body and mind with any one of the above powers of Sabda for a given span of time and at a selected space, free from other (random) disturbances - is necessary for conducting scientific experiments to study some such effects, even at a gross level. The philosophy, discipline and practices of prana yoga, mantra yoga and dhyan yoga should be studied deeply under adept guidance and gradually applied for conducting feasible experiments of the above yogas on the gross body, subtle body and the astral body.
A large number of yoga exercises under different branches of spiritual disciplines are known to exist in this world. All of these can be classified into the three major types - prana yoga, mantra yoga and dhyana yoga. Interestingly the most common and challenging hindrances in the successful practice of any Sadhana or spiritual experiment of yoga can also be classified into three parent groups viz, Lobha (greed), moha (selfish attitude and possessive attachments) and ahamkara (egotism). Moreover, the essential virtues which help the individual self struggle against these internal enemies also fall under three major categories - sahasa (courage), samkalpa and samvedana …….
The methods of mantra vijnana help refine, by sonic effects, the state and functioning of the gross body or any kind of material that exists physically. The mode of utilization and the performance of these methods depends upon three major factors - (1) the structure of mantra in terms of the configuration of syllables and vowels i.e. , the sonic pattern of the mantra; (2) the overall character and personality of the sadhaka, and (3) the faith of the sadhaka in the mantra by which the power of mantra amplifies and penetrates the innermost energy centers of the sadhaka.

The Vedic Mantras were originally created and compiled by the risis who were spiritual yogis and sages of the science of Sabda. Therefore, the coding of the sonic patterns in these mantras is perfect with respect to the impact of Sabda. Many a times, the realization of the syllables for subtle sounds (nada) in the etheric ocean had occurred to the risis through an afflatus or intuition in their intrinsic inspirations or the mantras were just 'heard' by them in the state of trance. This is the reason why most of these mantras are known as -Surti (heard) or as - 'conveyed by the Akasa Vani - the cosmic voice' ……… The Gayatri Mahamantra, Kalma, Sarifa, Bapatisma, namomkara, and the syllable Hum in the Manipada in different religious scriptures are examples of such self-generated eternal mantras or divine messages.

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