Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jalandhar Bandha

Sit in padmasana or siddhasana. You can practice this in standing posture also. Place the hands on the knees. Relax the whole body. Close the eyes. Perform long poorak (inhalation) and antarkumbhak (retaining air within). Bend head and press the chin on the chest. Stay in that position for a while, motionless while applying pressure on the hands. Bring shoulders upward and forward. In this position hands will be straight and stable. This is the final stage. Stop the breath as long as it is comfortable. Relax the shoulders. Fold the hands and raise head, while breathing out. After normalizing the breath repeat the process.
Moolabandha ---- Sit in siddhasana or siddhayoni asana. Place the palms on the thighs. Close the eyes. Relax the body. Perform a long poorak (inhalation). Retain the air within _antarkumbhak). Apply janandhar bandha. Thereafter contract the muscles in the muladhara region and pull the muscles upward. this is the final stage. Stay in this state as long as possible while stopping the breath. Then relax the muscles. Bring the head to normal position and perform rechak (exhalation) slowly.
Uddiyan Bandha --- Sit in any meditative posture. Knees should be on the floor. Place palms on the knees. Perform long exhalation (rechak). Retain the air outward (bahirkumbhak). Apply Janandhar Bandha. Now contract the abdominal muscles by pulling inside and upward. This is the final stage. Practice till a comfortable state is achieved. Then gradually relax the abdominal muscles. Perform Inhalation (Poorak). After normalizing the breathe repeat the whole process.

            Besides this antarkumbhak, Bahyakumbhak, Bhastrika Pranayam, agnisar kriya, neti kriya, laghu shankh prakshalan, Titali asan, and yoganidra for relaxation should be practiced. Because of the paucity of space all the above mentioned yogic kriyas are not being given in detail. Therefore, those should be learnt under the guidance of an expert yoga trainer.

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