Thursday, July 2, 2015


When Kaushalya came to know of Rama's exile, she fainted. On recovering, she mourned, thinking of the difficulties her dear son would have to bear in the forest. She requested Rama to take her to the forest along with him. But Rama reminded her of her wifely duties and asked her to stay with her husband.
Lakshmana was in rage when he came to know of it. He said, "You are the eldest son. You have the right to be the king. Don't let anyone take away that which rightfully belongs to you."
Rama then said. "I cannot violate my father's words. I will have to go to the forest, leaving the throne for Bharata."
Lakshmana angrily said, "Our father, instigated by Queen Kekai, is bent on punishing you for no offence of yours. Without any fault, he is expelling you from the state to the forest. One who behaves like an enemy to you deserves to be punished."
Rama soothed Lakshmana's anger and explaine dthat he had to do a son's duty and comply to his father's words.
Lakshmana then said, "If you go to the forest, be sure that I will come along. I Cannot think of living in the comforts of the palace while you stay in the forest. Even if you enter blazing fire, be certain of me having entered it already."
Rama said, "But you cannot leave your wife Urmila behind."
Lakshmana said, "My foremost duty is to serve you."
Rama then went to Sita and told her about the exile. He said, "Sita, in my absence you will have to take good care of my family."

Sita said, "When I got married, my father told me to live like your shadow. It is the foremost duty of a wife to stay with her husband. So I will accompany you."
Rama said, "O, delicate Sita! You have always lived in the luxuries and comforts of palaces. How will you live in a forest? Life in the forest would be full of afflictions."

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