Monday, July 27, 2015


 Husn Bano then told Hatimai about the third puzzles, "In the forest, you will find a man saying that evil begets evil. You have to find the meaning of these words.'
Hatim immediately set off to solve the third puzzles. He walked for many days till he came near a mountain. A very weak young man was sitting there and was crying aloud, "Come back to me."
Hated went and asked the man, "Why are you crying like this?"
The man said, "I am a merchant. When I was going through this way, I saw a beautiful lady. An exquisite beauty indeed! I fell in love with her the moment saw her. I told her that I wanted to marry her, and she agreed to marry me."
"If she agreed to marry you then what is the problem?" asked Hatim.
"I was very happy when she agreed but then she said that she would like to meet her family before going with me. She went. I can't come back since then. I can't live without her, "said the young man sadly.
Hatim asked the man to come with him, and they would search for her together.
The man said, "I cannot come with you. I cannot leave this place because she said that if I go away, I will never see her again."
Hatim said, "How long can you wait here?"
"Forever. I have been waiting here for the last seven years," said the man.
"Where does she live?" asked Hatim.
"She is a fairy. She lives on that mountain," said the man, pointing towards a far away mountain.

Hatim decided to go and meet the fairy. He climbed up the mountain and saw a lovely palace where many fairies were singing songs.

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