Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Light of the Sun

Who has time nowadays for reflection? But it is only by devoting a bit of time to this activity can we explore awareness of being, oneness with universal spirit and celebration of a healthy and happy life.
We need light to show us the way that can take us towards the higher Self. What could be a better path-shower than what is referred to as the 'Living God'? The sun? The sun is perceived as the co-creator and sustainer of life on earth.
The sun's rays blend with our aura to enrich receptiveness of cosmic energy and guidance. This universal light force can be used in the ongoing process of cleaning, balancing, healing and evolving. This can create conditions that can enable us to be more positive, aware and sensitive and take initiative while driving away negative emotions.
What needs our attention most, according to Sri Surya Jowel (sooryaji) is the effort to elevate our mind and transform our lifestyle. "For this we require a light and energy source that can reach the dark corners of our mind and reveals to us life in its true perspective. And what could be better than the living energy source of the entire solar system, the sun?
This cosmic energy imbibed through eyes at sunrise (sooryoyog) can heal, elevate and transform us, which in turn can bring about shift in perception for a better world. We create our own surroundings.
Sunlight is nature's gift to mankind. We need the sun to survive and to be healthy in body and mind. The rays of the sun contain seven different colors which correspond to our energy centers or chakras. Unique vibration of each color in the rays of the sun can be used as tools for healing physical, psychological and spiritual ills.
Each of these chakras is related to a basic element. The mooladhar (basic chakra), the earth element, is red. The swadesthan (sex) chakra is orange with water as its element, and fire is associated with the manipura, the solar plexus. The color of anahat or heart chakra relating to air element is blue, the visudhas or throat element is either. The color of the third eye or ajna chakra, the forehead, is indigo - the light element while sahasrar or crown chakra, violet, signifies pure awareness. Thus when we take in sunlight at down, these chakras or subtle energies help to balance and promote healing physical, emotional and spiritual.
The earth receives the highest degree of positive energy at sunrise. At that point of time the human organism is most receptive towards solar energies. In fact, an hour before sunrise, solar energies exert positive psychological influence on the cells of the body, as they refresh and invigorate them. The sun's rays improve digestion and enhance nutrition, quicken blood circulation, facilitate elimination of impurities through skin, and make bone structure stronger. Sunlight lifts one out of depression and thereby helps to elevate the mind.

Sun can bring about transformation in body, mind and spirit that well could be gradual but a fulfilling experience ultimately. "As within, so without" - sooryayog is all about discovering Sakha, your Atma Soorya or the inner sun that could be your best friend.

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