Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The First Layer of the Super-Conscious Mind - Supra-Mental Mind

The Layer of Intuition
"There is something mysterious, without happening, without end,
That existed before the heavens and the earth,
Unmoving, infinite, standing alone, never changing,
It is everywhere and it is inexhaustible.
It is the mother of all.
Looked for it cannot be seen - listened for it cannot be heard- reached for it cannot be touched.
It is the form of the formless
It is existence in non-existence
It is the greatest mystery."
From ancient wisdom to modern physics, our sages speak of a Cosmic Mind - the infinite storehouse of all knowledge, where past, present and future merge into one super-stratum of reality beyond space and time. Those who can transcend the lower conscious and subconscious levels of their minds, immediately realize this super conscious Cosmic Mind - for the individual super-conscious and the Cosmic Super-conscious Mind are the same. Then they, too, become all-knowing, and can "see" into past, present and future, and into the mysteries of life.
The super-natural mind is the first layer of this super-conscious mind, the realm of intuition and creative insight, beyond the logic and rationality of the sub-conscious mind.
Only a few adventures have penetrated into this subtle psychic realm, and have been tantalized by even a brief glimpse of its glory - inspired artists and scientists, exalted saints and mystics.
Many poets and artists have been lifted out of the habitual anxieties and restlessness of their lower minds and elevated to this super-conscious state by the awesome beauty of nature. Perhaps you, too, have experienced the blissful feeling of being "beyond yourself" in the peace of nature as the borders of the lower ego dissolve and the mind merges into a higher, transcendent state.

Creative Insight

The creative act has been experienced throughout the ages as a sudden, effortless "flash of insight" from a higher dimension beyond logic or rational analysis - from this super-conscious layer of mind. The German Opera composer Richard Wagner "heard" his music spontaneously. Charles Darwin, after years of gathering scientific data, suddenly "realized" his theory of evolution while taking a carriage ride. Michelangelo could only create in what he called a "seizure of the soul" when the "spirit of God" would elevate him to an ecstatic state. And Albert Einstein revealed that he did not discover his theory of relativity by conscious logic and reasoning but by 'the way of intuition'

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