Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Improper Diet Reduces Life-span

Meaning: As stated in the line of Rigved 10/18/6 – God has given longevity to all I this world, but man reduces his life span by improper diet and way of living. Therefore it is the duty of every human being to achieve full life span by leading a disciplined life.
Message: God has not just given away this gift of human life. He has sent us in this world as his responsible prince so that by remaining healthy for a hundred years, we lead a praiseworthy excellent life by working for the welfare of all in the society, and keep the flag of our fame flying high. Life is a very valuable gift, and it is not good to waste it in any worthless deeds. Therefore we must become diligent and by giving up bad tendencies, become men of good moral conduct to obtain the full life span of man.
Every man must wish to be excellent, praiseworthy and famous. He must always do beneficial works for the society. Just as the sun, moon and wind are continuously obliging the world, we too should do likewise. Never should we do any work which tarnishes our names.
The best way for becoming praiseworthy and excellent is to save our lives from faults and wicked tendencies and completely crush demoniac tendencies. Man of wicked conduct may obtain some benefits by their mean deeds, but in their heart of hearts they are found constantly sad, upset and weeping. We should make the best use of life, and keep ourselves away from the desires of the senses. Getting trapped in such desires always brings disrepute.
We should go on reviewing and judging ourselves; should go on punishing ourselves for our bad conduct. Our sentiment should be that the leg which goes on the bad path should be cut off the hand which cannot be helpful to others should be cut off, the tongue involved in others’ slander should be cut away, the eye which is unable to shed tears of compassion should be destroyed. Reviewing continuously in this manner, let us be praiseworthy through diligence and good conduct.
To achieve excellence of character and conduct, one must have high level of knowledge, healthy body, stable mind and excellent willpower. Only a knowledgeable, learned, generous and obliging man of good character can get the status of excellence among men. Only with that can be dared to go on adding to his divine qualities and save himself from the temptations of wicked deeds. Divinity comes with divine qualities and with there is an increase in virtue, the person shines with the qualities of compassion, pity, love, generosity, goodness, courtesy and humility and he gets the honor of being incomparable, unique and leading in the society.

This is the only means of achieving longevity.

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