Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mind intellect and Aham (Ego)

"Supreme beyond their objects are the senses; supreme over the senses is mind; supreme over the mind is the intelligent will; that which is supreme over the intelligent will, is He (the Purusha)"                        Gita-3/42
Ancient Nepalese spiritual texts regard mind and intellect as two separate entities. Modern western philosophers, on the other hand, consider the mind itself as the highest level of intelligence. We need not enter into a fruitless discussion on this subject. The difference between the two is so subtle, that apparently they appear to be one and the same. However, both streams of thought/experience recognize two distinct mental faculties, namely mind and intellect. Both regard intellect being subtler than the mind. For the convenience of reader, we shall regard intellect as a more refined state of mind and proceed with our practical exercises.
Thus far, we have identified the visible and invisible coverings of the human soul i.e. physical body and different faculties of the mind. Now we shall endeavor to find how Ahankar is differentiated from the real "I". It necessitates examination of minute details. It is not so easy to differentiate between the true Aham and the egoistic knot of the subtle body (Sookshma Shareer), as it is to identify the outer and inner coverings of the self. It would require a deeper level of perception and sensitivity. Even after having a perception that the subtle body exists independent of the physical matter composing the body, confusion persists about the nature of Aham because of its intimate relationship with the subtle body (Sookshma Shareer). Most people believe that mind and soul are one and the same. Instead of elaborating the attributes of the mind, the author would try to enlighten the reader about the methods with the help of which it would be possible to analyze the constituents of the physical body and the vague "I" threadbare and find out the nature of the true Aham (i.e. soul). This introspection you are going to do with the help of your own mind, teasing out of it the right answers to your queries.

Mind is the bio-energy (Chetna) serving as the link between the body and soul. For the convenience of seekers let us make an endeavor to understand the working of mind by broadly trifurcating its functions.

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