Monday, January 19, 2015

Flow of Water

The Ganga River originates in heaven. Its fall is broken by the head of Shiva, who stands on the Himalaya Mountains; otherwise the shock would be too great for the earth. But Shiva’s goddess-bride is displeased. Fly then where Ganges o’er the king of mountains Falls likes a flight of stairs from heaven let down. For the sons of men; she hurls her billowy fountains. Like hands to grasp the moon on Shiva’s crown and laugh her foamy laugh at Gauri’s jealous frown….. If thou, like some great elephant of the sky, shouldst wish from heaven’s eminence to bend and taste the crystal stream, her beauties high – as thy dark shadows with her whiteness blend – Would be what Jumana’s waters at Pryaga lend.      Kalidas

Guru is the expression of enlightenment, pure knowledge, the field of all possibilities, and the field of infinite correlation.

The master helps the seeker in his own invincible ways, which have no parallel in the ways of the world. But if the aspirant is to be the recipient of this help, he must make a real effort to surrender himself to the Divine will of the Master

What is the nature of Guru’s grace? It is beyond thought and word. Then how can it be said that the devotee realizes his true Being by virtue of the Guru’s grace? It is like the elephant which wakes up on seeing a lion in its dream. Even as the elephant wakes up at the mere sight of the lion, so too is it certain that the disciple wakes up from the sleep of ignorance to the knowledge or Real. It is true and certain.

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