Saturday, July 5, 2014

Wealth and Debt

I found this national debt, doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office                                          Barack Obama
With a $ 75.9 billion balance, Apple Inc has more cash reserve than US Treasury Department                         News report
Self-complacent and always impudent, deluded by wealth and false prestige, they sometimes perform sacrifices in name only without following any rule or regulation.                      Bhagavad Gita  16:17
If you're thinking of debt, that's what you're going to attract                        Bob Proctor
An individual has three friends on whose company he relies. Wealth goes with him only while good fortune lasts. Relatives go only as far as the grave. But his good deeds go with him beyond this life.                    The Talmud
The quest of pleasure brings nothing but torment abounding; Man thus makes of his evil desires only a shackle about teh neck. Thou seeker of false delights liberation comes only through love of God.                    Adi Granth
Real freedom must be the product of intelligence. Freedom is not to be acquired. it is a thing that comes with intelligence.                         J Krishnamurti
Understanding teh self is the key to freedom. Freedom is to be unifluenced and unaffected, to be a peace with the self. Real freedom is to experience the true essencew of one's being.                    Brahmakumaris
Where the mind is without fear and the head id held high; where knowledge is free.... Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action - into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake.                       Rabindranath Tagore

 The above statements is taken from the various papers which published daily, weekly and monthly

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