Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Pandora's Box

The placement of the brain at the top of the human body matches with the superiority of its role as compared to the other organs. It sits at the head of the body as if Lord Shiva divine glory is present on the sacred Kalish peak of the Himalayas. The strong fort of the skull protects it from pollution, harmful radiation, and effects of weather fluctuation and also prevents it from being hurt due to external stroke or hit. Further, the outer walls of this fort are also in contact with the external environment so as to allow important cosmic signals to reach the brain, this organization is most suitable for the healthy functioning of the brain as well as the body.
As infants brain weights only about 12 ounces. In a grownup youth it becomes about 3 pounds. Its functional capabilities increase at exponential rates as compared to the growth of its size and weight during this period. With the help of microfilms, we can store huge volumes of books in a tiny pocket. A healthy and normally developed human brain can store the amount of knowledge, which if printed, would require billions of huge volumes of books. Moreover, nature has endowed it with the potential to even double this capacity as and when required.
If one half of the brain is damaged or hurt due to some accident or similar causes, the remaining half fulfills the tasks of both. We normally have two hands, two legs, two eyes, two ears, two lungs, two kidneys etc. If one of these is lost, the normal functions of the body continue without much trouble because, the other member of the pair can compensate to a large extent for the lost or failed one. The brain does so despite being a single organ. It continues to perform its essential duties efficiently even if half portion becomes useless.
During the Second World War, about sixty-two soldiers had to undergo major surgical operations in which half portion of the brain was removed because of concussion. It was feared at that time that even if they survived, the memorizing capacity and efficiency of their brains would also be halved after such an operation. However, such apprehensions were found to be baseless as the half-brains of these soldiers worked normally like the complete ones.
Size, weight or physique of the body might be a good measure of its physical strength to some extent. However, that is certainly not the case with respect to the potentials of the brain. The brain of an elephant weight about 10 pounds and that of a human only 3 pounds. But, we all know that an elephant is not intelligent at all as compared to a normal human.
 Intelligence is found to be associated with the connectivity of the neurons in the cortex. More the number of active connections among these neurons, the higher will be the efficacy of information transmission and retrieval through them. The principle of cooperatively assures progress in every field of life. That it is also the basis of intelligence - can be easily seen in the structure and functional adaptability of the interconnected neurons.
The human brain controls every activity of life. The domain of its regulatory tasks ranges from the body-functions to mental faculties and from the wonderful creations of imaginations to the depths of sentiments and subtler fields of emotions and acumen. Every kind of experience is stored in its memory. Only the intelligent machinery of the brain performs the functions of reasoning, planning and decision making. Whatever be the external structure, appearance and activities of the body, the basic source of control of each and every component and function of the body lies in the brain (mind). All the macro and micro level physiological, biochemical, cellular and molecular activities inside the body are conducted under its regulatory mechanism. It is the core of the origin, cultivation and culmination of the endeavors and tendencies of inclination towards philosophy, science, business, technical skill, art, music, adventure etc. What is the present level of one's personality and what it would become in near future - this can be deciphered by the elucidation of his/her mentality and emotional propriety.
The amount of material substances in brain is very less but its structural complexity, flexibility, storage capacity and functional adaptation fro, the hidden stock of its memory almost instantaneously and its parallel processing at ultra fast speed make it a supreme computer. These together with the unbound intelligence of the human brain challenge that none of the advanced information systems, super computers or other man made artificially intelligent machines could ever match the functioning or human brain in Toto.
Man made devices perform only the particular tasks for which they are fabricated. Their power and efficiency depends upon their design. Such is not the case with the natural 'instruments' like the human body and brain. The brain automatically controls its own development and can expand its capacities, potentials, activities and efficiency beyond any limit. It begins to grow on its own since the time of birth of the fetus and continues to perfect its development till the time of death along with performing its duties towards the other organs without any pause. In this respect, it may be likened to a teacher, who besides teaching regularly in the school, also continues his own studies and gradually passes higher grades of examination to expand his own scholarly talents.
Recent developments in neurosciences have revealed many features of the structure and function of the human brain. The facts known till date are so starling that this organ appears to be superior to the collective accomplishments of the most advanced technologies. What remains to be known about it could be more astonishing. Many layers of this majestic Pandora's Box still remain closed. As stated earlier, in normal case a large number of neuronal connections remain inactivated throughout the life of a human being unless some extra efforts are made - for instance, by Yoga practices and other experiments of spirituality to stimulate them. Rousing of these latent centers of consciousness can bestow supernatural faculties. Then, an ordinary human can enhance his physical power to compete with that of a giant and develop divine talents and potentials at the mental, intellectual and spiritual levels too.
Regular physical exercises and massaging etc. are practiced in order to energize the functional centers, which maintain physical health. The metabolic activities are maintained by eating pure, nutritious and digestive food in balanced quantities. Such practices ensure happy and healthy survival of the body in normal cases. However, extra care is essential for the refinement of mental capabilities and talents. The food intake of a person engaged in such a endeavor should be pure and austere and should also be 'charged' by subtle energy. The latter helps stirring and arousing the reservoir of consciousness existing in the brain.
The food of one's own refined thoughts, sentiments and inner strength catalyses the actions of the subtle energy. The external means useful in this regard consist of - dedicated endeavors (Sadhanas) of practicing truth, austerity and penance in every aspect of life, ascetic contemplation and Swadhyaya coupled with the Sadhanas of spiritual elevation. Meditation (Dhyan) is the simplest kind of Sadhana, which sublimated the flow of subtle energy in the brain.
Focusing of sunrays on a convex lens results in generation of thermal energy and ignition, channelizing of steam in a single direction triggers motion of a steam engine, targeted attack of cannon gives rise to an explosion. These examples demonstrate the power of concentration .A large number of bio-electrical impulses and energetic currents continuously flow in the human brain … focusing these to refine and strengthen specific quality of mind - is accomplished by a Dhyan Sadhana. This also results in rousing the willpower and mental strength along with sharpening of the intellect.

The inner strength of the mind is more important than the might physical power of the body, the power of wealth and external resources or the impact of education and talents etc.. One can rise up to those heights of development which are unimaginable in today's world and gradually culminate the personality with the help of the awakened inner strength of the mind

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