Thursday, April 10, 2014

9. Guideline from the Ancient Science of Sabda

The power of Sabda is indeed astonishing when realized in the spiritual realms in terms of mantras. The Satvika mantras are sources of overall refinement of the physical as well as spiritual domains of life. The Sadhana of such Vedic mantras bestow individual and global welfare in the truest sense. The Tantrika mantras posses tremendous potential that could be employed as 'mechanized' device to affect specific targets - be that mind or matter…. If misused, the negative effects of the Tantrika mantras could be disastrous for the user and the target both.
The human body and mind constitute a super advanced scientific laboratory. The founders of the mantra vijnana used to conduct experiments in this fantastic bequest of Nature.
According to the ancient philosophy of mysticism (rasasyavada) - Sabda is eternal and is the fundamental perpetual force that effectuated the creation of the universe. The blueprint of any event that is going to happen anywhere in the cosmic expansion first occurs in the form of the vibrations of Sabda in the ocean of its omnipresent Nada. Te experts of mantra vijnana were able to 'perceive' these subliminal vibrations and could therefore 'visualize' the future events with ease. The sole aim of their experiments with the mantras was - cognition of the absolute truth and using its ultimate knowledge for divine illumination of the world……..
Our body is defined in the ancient scriptures as a manifestation of specific reactions of Sabda. With this perception, the rhythmic cascade of bodily functions could be termed as a bio-swing, moving according to the set frequency (like that of a radio) of Sabda. When all the components of this gigantic 'sonic' device of our body (and mind) are harmonized, we are in fine health and mood and work in perfection according to its natural frequency.
The modern experts like Dr. Steven Hyper, director, Spectrum Research Inst., California, Opine that - we all live in an ocean of sound, some vibrations of which are compatible with our own frequency. Dr. G. Kozhinov of Bulgaria has conducted some experiments on Yoga to investigate such compatible frequency ranges. His findings show that - the subjects go into a state of trance while kept in controlled conditions under the influence of sonorous sounds of specific medium range frequencies, played at specific rhythms.
Dr. Hans Jane of Zurich has quoted in his dissertation on semantics that - (energy) waves constitute and transform any kind of matter that exists physically….. In his scientific experiments he had demonstrated the liquefying of steel plates by the effect of sound waves. In yet another experiment, he had produced a compound of this liquid by mixing powdered plastic and some metals under superimposed effects of similar sound waves. By controlled sonic vibrations on this compound he reconstructed the plates whose upper surfaces now had a transformed appearance.
Dr. Hans has developed a tonoscope based on the principles of sonic transformations. The sounds received by the input microphone of this instrument are converted into visual images on the output screens. He has invented that Oam is a mantra that generates very specific geometrical images on the tonoscope. (Remarkably, these images correspond to the Sanskrit syllable used to represent this unique sound). He concludes that the specified vibrations of mantras and the specific patterns of their japa - as invented by the Nepalese seers of yore - must have been great source of generation of immense energy, mental inspiration and consequent multifaceted development of happy and healthy society.
If a stone is thrown in a silent water pond then circular waves, moving in the transverse directions, are generated on its surface. Similarly, any vibration in the etheric ocean generates sound waves in the cosmos. These waves move longitudinally in all directions forming a virtual 'sphere' of vibrations in the space…  As the region of expansion and the strength of the waves in the water pond will be more for the heavier stone…, similarly, the impact of louder sound (at a common frequency) generate the sound waves of higher intensity and vice versa. The methods of collective japa or chanting of mantras seem to have been designed according to this principle of synergistic amplification of intensity. These are found to induce magnificent impact on the gross and subliminal domains of life….
The research on sound therapy carried out by Dr. Leislier Lasanio of Vienna has also been significan tin terms of investigation into an ancient branch of knowledge through modern scientific means. His experiments on Yoga along with recitation of "Oam" have shown very positive effects on a large number of patients in his sanatorium.
Similar research projects in some other advanced laboratories have shown that specific sonic vibrations (and hence the mantras in particular), have intensive effect on the endocrine glands. The musical sound of Nature such as, the music of winds, soothing sound of the smooth flow of rivers, the melodious sound of the birds……, etc, is also found to have positive effects on the physical and mental health. These findings are like 'another step' towards the realization of the unique bequest of the Almighty bestowed upon us in the form of Nada existing in the Nature. Ancient scriptures on Nada Yoga and Sabda Yoga would offer deeper insight for more meaningful research in this direction.

The Risis had described the Sadhana of Sabda Brahm - Nada Brahm as effective modes of linkage between the individual consciousnesses in the mortal world and the divine realms of supreme consciousness. In depth study of the treasure of knowledge provided by them and research experiments on sound, mantra vijnana and spirituality promise majestic support for the ideal ascent of life…..

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