Wednesday, April 9, 2014

6. Constructive Applications of Sound in the Modern Age

The discovery of radio waves had created revolution in the scientific development of the modern world. Research on ultrasound and infra sound has given it a big leap towards the new horizons of advanced technology.
The pulse-echo method for testing of metals was developed in 1940-50 based on Prof. Dazisch's research on ultrasonic waves. Contemporary research on ultrasound has led to multifaceted applications in engineering and sciences.
Use of ultrasound - in noninvasive technologies like the EMR, sonography and ultrasonic surgery, in the diagnosis and treatment of disease like arthritis, gall-stone and in complicated surgical operations has taken a predominant place in the medical technology today. Amongst the recent experimental studies, the research works of Dr. Luxel in Sweden, Dr. J.C. Taylor in England and Dr. Toshio Bogoi in Japan have shown promising use of ultrasonic in the neurological disorders as well.
The visible as well as the subtle effects of infrasound are found to be more powerful in the field of communications than those of the audible or ultrasound. The radio waves could be used only through appropriate transistors. This limitation has been overcome by the invention of microwaves and other infrasonic waves. The special use of infrasound lies in the acquisition of distance (in time and space) and low frequency signals and is therefore of specific importance in telematics and advanced telecommunication technology. According to Dr. Joseph Todd, a radiologist in the University of California at Los Angeles, infrasonic radio waves could also be sent or received via neurological signals. Nature possesses many live examples to support his claims.
The frantic running around by animals like cats, dogs, rabbits …… etc, hours before the occurrence of an earthquake in the nearby area - indicates the capabilities of these animals in sensing the infrasonic vibrations deep below the earth's surface. Systematic experimental studies on the changes in the behaviors of several animals and birds have given conclusive results in this regard. The Japanese make use of the Goldfish to know about the tremors well in advance. Some species of elephants and fin whales are found to make efficient use of infrasonic signals for deciding the direction of their future movements……..
The presence of an infrasonic effect, due to its subtle nature, is often linked with 'mysterious' events. One such interesting phenomenon is associated with the research of Prof. Govard Marceillia of Vienna. He used to feel dull and restless with nausea while working in the office in his properly clean and airy chamber. This had started happening every day since several months. Mysteriously, his condition would become normal as soon as he came out of the particular chamber…… His body and mind were in good health otherwise. Regular observance of this peculiar phenomenon prompted him to investigate the matter…….
Once, while he was sitting with the support of a wall in his chamber, he sensed some sort of vibrations in it. It was found that the noise of an air-conditioner (fitted several months ago) in the adjacent room gives rise to these vibrations…..; the frequency of these micro-scale vibrations was found to measure around 07 hertz, which was generating infrasonic waves in the chamber of the Professor.
Prof. Govard then carried out intensive research on microwaves. He developed an instrument to generate infrasonic waves. To his surprise, during several experiments he observed that these waves were capable of penetrating the bodies of the guinea pigs and, due to their high energy fields, were capable of liquidating the solid constituents there in a fraction of a second. During a demonstration of the power of infrasonic waves - when he operated his machine to generate such waves in an open ground…., the glasses of the concrete buildings in the surroundings were found to have broken almost instantaneously and the inhabitants of the buildings complained of headaches, irritation, nausea and tension during this experiment.

Because of their immense potential in creating high energy fields, the discovery of infrasonic waves soon led to the technological developments ranging from the household appliances like the microwave ovens to the highly sophisticated instruments for advanced scientific research. The above examples and technological applications clearly signify the magnificent role of the power of sounds in our physical life. However, if misused this power would be equally detrimental…. Noise pollution is among the major health-hazards being faced by the world today. The selfish and power-hungry motives of a few have also led to destructive use of sonic energy. This greed and exploitation of the astonishing power of sound could prove to be disastrous to humanity and to the existence life on our beloved planet.

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