As stated in the Athervaved 5/30/17 - The human body is more important
than the bodies of other animals. All the powers and means of spiritual
salvation are present within it. Therefore all the persons should try to maintain their diet, routine, thinking and
conduct should be such that he can live the full life-spam.
After having wandered through 84,00,000 species of life, the soul finally
attains the human body, and all the paths for his progress automatically open
up. Then it does not take long for salvation, i.e. for achieving liberation
from the imprisonment and bondage of life. But only by observing celibacy does
the man achieve the capability for completing the tasks for people's welfare
while utilizing the 100 years life spam given to him by God.
The word
'Brahmacharya', means celibacy, is very much misunderstood and very narrowly
interpreted as protection of semen and control over sexual desire. This is only
a part-interpretation. The correct meaning of the word 'Brahmacharya' is
meditating upon or thinking of God study of the Vedas (or religious scriptures),
acquiring knowledge, and protection of semen or sperm. "Brahma"
refers to the Creator and to greatness and "Charya" means to move.
Thus to move with greatness, to become great and to conduct ourselves befitting
greatness is the all encompassing meaning.
it is necessary that we think of the divine qualities of God for achieving
greatness and try to put them into practical conduct. It is also necessary that
we study the Vedas and other scriptures and acquire true knowledge, and thereby
develop our intelligence to arouse the power of discretion to distinguish
between proper and improper, moral and immoral. But this becomes possible only
when good health is established by protecting the semen. One who observes
celibacy in the real sense explained above, is full of divine brightens, his
eyes have a piercing shine, cheeks are rosy and the face shines with luster.
The body becomes well-built with "Brahmacharya" and qualities like
cheerfulness, firmness, daring and patience develop. In addition, by observing
"Brahmacharya" the depletion of our powers is prevented and we are
able to utilize them for moving forward on the path of greatness.
For his
own progress, man must observe "Brahmacharya". Seen in a wider
perspective the society too needs 'Brahmacharya'. Today the entire society is
becoming weak, dispersed and narrow minded. Everywhere the signs of
selfishness, incapability, obscenity, restlessness, fear and ruin only are
seen. The reason for this is that the "Brahmacharya' of the society too
has become depleted and therefore its powers have becomes scattered. in the
'devasur sangram', teh fight between the deities and the demons, when the
deities were being defeated, God collected all their scattered powers and by
combining them produced a single, tremendous power in the form of teh female
deity called Durga. Today not only the man has to organize and concentrate his
scattered powers, but the society too by observing "Brahmacharya" has
to gather together the powers of unity, cooperation, goodwill and good moral
virtues. The body, the mind, the soul, the society and the nation, all should
observe "Brahmacharya".
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