Thursday, February 11, 2016


Meaning: According to the Yajur-veda ancient Rishis had prayed with the supreme that - O Supreme! you are the form of brightness, give us brightness. You are full of valor, make us valorous. You are full of strength, give us strength. You are luminous, give us luminosity. You are a destroyer of wicked persons, give us that power also. A long with that you are also tolerant, make us too similarly tolerant.
Message: Who is called God? He is not any human being as conceived by us. He is a collection of ideals, principles, excellence, good qualities, good activities etc. Prayer is made here for imbibing within us those qualities - from among the innumerable qualities of God - which are very important in our lives.
The most important is tejasvita or brightness or bright intelligence which develops the power of the soul and joins the person into those deeds which destroy material temptations. Brightness is not related to age but to the tendency of a person. It is not external, but internal. It is not superficial but enmeshed in one's nature. The face looks bright because of it. The second necessity is years and does deeds for others' welfare. "Jivem Sharadah shatam" - this is possible only if we become strong and valorous. It is restraint and proper diet and proper activity. With the coming of all three within the person, the soul brightens up and the person becomes luminous. A man full of mental brightness, manliness, strength and luminosity can do everything in the world. The biggest difficulties cannot obstruct his path. Whatever he resolves to do is achieved. Whether he does, impress others. Nobody can dare to shrug off what he says.
But that much it is not enough. Power is necessary to destroy the sinful acts of wicked people. There should be natural anger within us for eradicating injustice. Along with that our soul must have limitless power of tolerance, by which we may always remain smiling even in worst difficulties and may not deviate from the path of truth. Even though there be unbearable calamities, we shall patiently solve them and go on progressing on the path of progress.
This is called the art of living. Then a person achieves humanity. When a person achieves humanity, then it is also his duty to strive to make human his family and society. Only a burning lamp can light an extinguished lamp. How can an extinguished lamp light up another extinguished lamp? It is man's duty to become bright, luminous, powerful, patient, valorous and strong and inspire others to do so.

Therein lies the success of man's life.

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