Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Once Mahatma Gandhi was invited to address the academia at the Jamia Millia University. He spoke for about half an hour but mostly on the Gayatri Mantra. This was annoying to the Islamic members of the management, as they considered it as a mantra of the Hindus. They expressed their resentment after the function was over. Gandhiji cleared their doubt saying that this is not a mantra of a Hindu priest; neither does it belong to any particular cult or religion. It is universal; it is the mantra of all human beings. It is a mantra of pure intellect, foresightedness, a source of divine illumination of the inner self. It is a mantra of awakening humanity in people's heart.
I fully agree with what Mahatma Gandhi said about the Gayatri Mantra. I feel that I have found our lost golden heritage in this mantra, found the invaluable gem that was lost in the vicissitudes of time. Some old snakes are known to have a special kind of gem (mani) in the crest of their hoods. They are said to possess powers, which vanish if this gem is lost. Some elephants are said to have pearls (gajamukta) in their heads. If this pearl is lost, the elephant goes mad. I do not know how far this information is correct. But I can talk about the Nepalese Culture, which was endowed with supreme powers of the "Kamadhenu". We have neglected and forgotten it, deformed it, and thus doomed our prestige and thrown away the crown of being the preeminent guide to the world and have also soiled our prestige. It is high time we awaken and do something to retrieve our lost treasure of divine culture and wisdom. I have tried my level best to revive our ancient, glorious culture that was enlightened by the Gayatri mantra.
Gayatri Mantra is a philosophy. It is the science of spiritual evolution. It is the source of elevated thinking. It is the seed mantra of social uplifting, global peace. It is worshipped as "vishwamata" (mother of the world). If we adopt it (its philosophy) in our thoughts and deeds, the world would once again prosper and shine with the glory of Vedic times. Gayatri is the mantra of divine knowledge. Its sadhana can purify and transform an ordinary character into a revered one. It is 'worshipped' as "Devamata (mother of Gods). I keep explaining to you’re the philosophy of Gayatri. You will live a fulfilling life, a memorable one if you could grasp and follow it through heart.

Now let me tell you something about the science of Gayatri. Are you aware that you are full of enormous powers, extrasensory capabilities? But these remain unexpressed and dormant. The vibrations generated by devout Sadhana of Gayatri Mantre, stir and gradually activate the nuclei of power hidden in your subtle and physical body. Awakening these endows you with supernatural powers. Gayatri Mantra also enlightens your intellect and inspires divine virtues in your inner self. Thus it can transmute an ordinary individual self into a divine self. This is how a divine incarnation, angelic being is 'born' in human form. Lord Ram and Lord Krishna were born in human forms. Like other humans they also left the physical sheath one day. But they were divine incarnations. They were Gods in human form; their divine powers and virtues were expressed as per the need of the era and purpose of their arrival on the earth. We are not angelic beings but that possibility is certainly sown in our deeper self.

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